Your one of the only people I know I cantalk to, especially since I've known you since forever and see you every waking day of my life, without you i'd be lost cuz I seriously think you know me more than I do.
yEah but you keep me in check , without you I'd still think life was a rainbow where NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO one gets hurt, people love each other, and parents trust their children!lol
KiD, Your like my "TWIN"! We can always relate to the same problems, from breast cancero(lol) to Jose-Manuel-Alejandro-Deus lol, I can always deepend on you to keep me feeling confident and self-assured.You get me through those time I want to die , but still make sure I seperate reality from fiction. I love you kidd
Kidd You showed me the meaning of true friendship, something I jsut began to believe didn't exist, I love that ur always there when I feel like I wanna cry, When I feel like my life has been a waste, and That no one cares wheteher I live or die. I hope we stay friends till the end of forever
EvEn though makin fun of me would have really really hurt my feelings if I had any,I still you love me , and Ilove that ur not afraid to show that you care about me even If it seems like I don't notice them, I do, don't ever change, Take me for an example O.K (lol), You always make me laugh and I know your gonna be a part of my life for a long time, this reminds of a song I wrote, I'll mail it to you :)
Thanks friend. dat means a lot comin 4rm u. I guess ur still da same steph b.k.a. my boo dat u alwayz were. But stop frontin!! I know da real u, n no matter how skinny u are, I know whats inside. But thanx again. Did u get da pic wit my shirt off, did u like it. Send dat song soon. Bye bye!!!!! Luv u. I'm glad i have someone like u in my life.
wOw wHeRe do I begin, without you I....................can't even begin to imagine my life. Though I know for sometime you wanted to get rid of me I still came back cuz I know without you I'd have nothing, Your that friend that makes people happy just being around you, You always make me laugh and we always have the best convo's,whether they're about school/potatoes (lmao)or the lady in your paintings butt, Evryday with you is a surprise and It leaves me wanting me, Then out of no where you surprise me again. Ilove that you ask me to do stuff with that are just friend type of stuff not going to the movies, but picking out new glasses, we have that friendship you read in magazines plus you've saved my butt 1 too many times for us to not have a funfilled relationship.
Comments 48
MuCh LoVe HoE
My COnCeItEd SlUt BuDdY :)
P.S.S I wnat my shimmer lol:)
I'm ou hoe :) lol
StePH AKA CHuCHi bka MeAt-LoAf
lol jk
Don't know where I'd be without you,
-ZiNy- :)
I love you so much dude ur awesome. You're one of the few people i know i can always look at to find a truly sincere smile. =)
ur One n OnLy
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