Geez. Man. I love this boy.

Aug 14, 2004 21:22




-- Name: Nikki Hawkins

-- Birth date: August 21st 1989
-- Birthplace: Corpus Christi
-- Current Location: Mi Casa =)
-- Eye Color: Haze/Green/Blue? they change a lot

-- Hair Color: dirty blonde with highlights
-- Height: 5'5" and 1/2

-- Righty or Lefty: Rightyyyy tehehe.
-- Zodiac Sign: LEO biatch

-- Your heritage: I think a little of everything; Italian, Hispanic, American lol idk.
-- The shoes you wore today: red reebok, tehehe.

-- Your weakness: trusting people easily

-- Your fears: spiders, snakes, pretty much any insect, being cheated on, being lied to, being used, and being alone..
-- Your perfect pizza: pepperoni with extra cheese from panjo's or little caesar's
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Getting into a good college and having fun and spending the rest of my life with someone I can't live without.

-- Your most overused phrase: Whatev.

-- Your thoughts first waking up: lol..what I'm going to eat for breakfast, I absolutely love breakfast and trying to remember my dreams from that night ;);)
-- Your best physical feature: haha idk, what do you think?

-- Your bedtime: lol anywhere from 11-5

-- Your most missed memory: I have way too many.

-- Pepsi or Coke: I like both.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King

-- Single or group date: Depends. Since my boyfriend lives 3 hours away group dates of course unless he comes down then single date all the way. =)  =)

-- Adidas or Nike: lol adidas, but i prefer flip flops!-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea? idk.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: lol how about both?
-- Cappuccino or coffee: capuccino!

-- Smoke: noooo

-- Swear: yeah
-- Sing: lol ya, quite a bit but not where anyone can hear...=)

-- Take a shower: I love showers.
-- Have a crush: I have a huge one right now =)
-- Want to go to college/university: yes!
-- Like(d) high school: ya its okay, well the social part the actual learning and doing work part SUCKS.
-- Want to get married: definetly
-- Believe in yourself: sometimes.

-- Get motion sickness:not really

-- Think you're attractive: umm, Ive been told a few times but I lack self esteem.
-- Think you're a health freak: hahaha definetly not.
-- Get along with your parent(s): yeah, we have our differences 'cause they're freaking strict sometimes.
-- Like thunderstorms: lol yeah sometimes...when I get to sleep!!
-- Play an instrument: I wish.

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: nope
-- Smoked: nope
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Had Sex: nope
-- Made Out: haha of course ;) ;)
-- Gone to the mall?: yes, yes.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: haha no but i had a couple yesterday
-- Eaten sushi: eeewww NO!
-- Been dumped: NOPE.
-- Dumped someone: NOPE.
-- Gone skating: lol nope
-- Made homemade cookies:  nah, i bought dough from the grocery store though

-- Gone skinny dipping: in the last month? I think soo....
-- Dyed your hair: highlights

-- Stolen anything: cant say that I have

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: haha yes.
-- If so, was it mixed company:-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope

-- Been caught "doing something": haha nope.

-- Been called a tease: yeah, jokingly though
-- Gotten beaten up: nooooo
-- Shoplifted: nope
-- Changed who you were to fit in: hasn't everyone once? I think it's ridiculous now and will never change who I am to impress anyone.

-- Age you hope to be married:  at least by 25 considering I graduate from college when I'm 21

-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2 girls and 1 boy; names: I love the names Riley and Kimberly but my husband has to have some say in this matter =)
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I dont really know; but I'm so excited for it.  I know it will be with the love of my life..
-- How do you want to die: Laying in bed, during my sleep; painless.
-- Where you want to go to college: no idea, i have a couple of years to think about it but maybe Biola in California.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: very undecided; pediatrician, vertrenarian, teacher, or photographer/writer for a magazine
-- Where would you most like to visit: my dreams

In a guy/girl..
-- Best eye color? blue
-- Best hair color? blonde or brown, i dont really care

-- Short or long hair: long for sure.  everyone knows I have a thing for long hair.
-- height: at least 3 or 4 inches taller than me, well I guess just as long as they're taller but DEFINETLY not shorter.  It just doesn't work lol..
-- Best weight: lol more than me... but if they're taller they should weigh more, I hope...otherwise that's just WEIRD.
-- Best articles of clothing: ha, none.  KIDDING! Umm...probably shirts that show the definition in the arms, if the guy has some of course.
-- First date location: doesnt matter as long as i have fun
-- First kiss location: umm, my lips?

-- # of drugs taken illegally: cero.

-- # of people I could trust with my life: there's a few people I can think of.
-- # of CDs that I own: I have no idea...
-- # of piercings: 2 on each earlobe and one on my left cartlidge but I do plan on getting a couple more

-- # of tattoos: none, but I hope to have a couple some day...
-- # of scars on my body: ummm only a few mostly on my knees and elbows, I fall down a lot. =)
-- # of things in my past that I regret: I try not to regret anything but there is one thing I do regret.

Wow. I'm so bored.  I can't believe I actually did another one of these things. Anyhow, here's some random pictures of certain guys in certain bands...

Yeah, that is it.  I was obviously bored.


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