Man I fell asleep early last night--and it seems missed one very big announcement!
Splominic: heya mate, how are you doing?
ustcallmeAstin: moring! Just getting up---AHHHHH! And just read Elijah's little announcement there! CONGRATS!!
Splominic: Thanks, I'm all giddy and stuff still
JustcallmeAstin: I'll bet! Oh this is so exciting!
JustcallmeAstin: You guys need a coordinator? I'm good at that--or I should say I know people who are good at that. Discreet too.
Splominic: That would be a good idea!
JustcallmeAstin: Holy cow! I'm bouncing up and down here.
Splominic: I was thinking Vermont, maybe in the winter, or possibly summer
Splominic: there's a lot of sources online about "gay weddings", quite interesting.
JustcallmeAstin: Vermont, yep, that could be good--more private . . .
JustcallmeAstin: Hah--if it's winter there, you guys could get snowed in . . . there's a romantic thought. Might drive the PR people nuts though
Splominic: I know, I've been up surfing for stuff and found this great cottage called Thorn apple cottage. If you come over I'll show you. hehe
Splominic: I feel like a woman now, somehow overdosing on ostrogene
ustcallmeAstin: Thorn apple, huh? Sounds nice *laughs* So you're wearing the dress then,huh?
JustcallmeAstin: Somehow I don't think you'll look that great in a dress--sorry there pal.
Splominic: haha maybe, but I doubt it. Imagine if those pictures leaked! Man, it's enough having those pictures from New Zealand to hide. phew!
Splominic: Maybe you're right lol
JustcallmeAstin: *chuckles* There were a //few// pictures from New Zealand! Thank goodness they havent . . .
JustcallmeAstin: Hang on a sec--Ali wants me to make her some toast . . .
Splominic: haha goodness, WHY would anyone take pictures of... that?
Splominic: Alright
JustcallmeAstin: okay, now that I have blueberry jam down the front of my shirt . . . Wow. So what was Elijah's reaction when you popped the question?
Splominic: He was naturally quite shocked... but to be honest, so was I. It wasn't exactly planned, but it feels right, it feels perfect.
JustcallmeAstin: Well then it must be.
Splominic: Yeah, but we still have to deal with the PR issues... we can't wear rings and we still can't hold hands in public. Elijah said it won't last forever so I suppose I should keep that mind and just look forward to spending my life with... the man I love.
JustcallmeAstin: That's really what it's about. Yeah it sucks that society has to put rules on how you can act--especially rules with double standards. But if you can hang on past Oscars in 2004--I think then you're home free.
Splominic: I sure hope so, if none of us get involved in some other project that require us to hide. Don't think any of us will, but who knows, right? A lot can happen before 2004.
JustcallmeAstin: *sighs* Very true. Whatever happens, I'll stick by you two.
Splominic: thanks mate, that thought can always cheer me up! How's jam stain going? hehe
JustcallmeAstin: Oh, I'm still so damned excited! Better watchout--I'm going to be tackling hugging and kissing the two of you when I see you next! And you *gotta* find some secret thing you can wear to show the bond . . .
JustcallmeAstin: I don't know--a charm bracelet, something on that string around your neck. Something the public might not get.
Splominic: I was thinking about a tattoo because, you know, you won't lose it and you can hide it when it's needed. It'll be printed in my skin.
JustcallmeAstin: Hmm, have to be somewhere rather private in case you guys do nude scenes.
JustcallmeAstin: You know--it hurt like hell, but ankles are great--how often do you see a person's ankle in a film?
Splominic: haha I don't think that will be a risk, but if it is... well, thank God for computers, right?
Splominic: Well, others will see it, especially when I wear my flip-flops or go to yoga...
JustcallmeAstin: Oh that's right, you surfer.
Splominic: haha yeah, I was thinking below the waistband or something. But I mean, when, if *I barely dare to think of the 'if', what if it never happens* we come out, we'll get the rings... but the tattoo is still always there as a memory.
JustcallmeAstin: Absolutely. Makes sense to me.
Splominic: We've got some time to plan it, but it all depends on when we decide to go through with it. Elijah's telling Debbie today... I'm incredibly nervous.
JustcallmeAstin: *big exhalation of breath* Oh boy. Wish him luck for me.
JustcallmeAstin: You think she'll take it okay? Does she have any idea?
Splominic: Well, she wasn't too thrilled to learn that her son was dating another man, but I think she's gotten around quite well. Now... with marriage, that would ruin all her chances of grandchildren, well from Elijah anyway. So we'll see...
JustcallmeAstin: Well at least she's had a chance to get used to the first part. Have her talk to my mom if she needs another mom to spew too. Mack's given her plenty to spew about.
Splominic: Yeah, but your mother is a bit more liberal and open-minded about things. Debbie is an active catholic.
JustcallmeAstin: Well--they're both mothers. It was a thought. And Elijah's virginal next to Mack. I can't imagine her being anything but totally proud and happy for him. But that's just me.
Splominic: Sure, but I think she's still trying to get over what the bible's taught her about homosexuality... and I think she thought it was bad enough when he began to curse like a sailor, drink himself under the table and smoke, and then he came home from New Zealand with a Brittish boyfriend in tow.
JustcallmeAstin: Ooh, yeah--that's true. *wincing*
Splominic: Yeah, we'll see how it goes, if it helps, I might actually say a prayer or two.
JustcallmeAstin: I will.
Splominic: Elijah wants to talk to you, I'll talk to you later, mate. Cheers! *gives the phone to Elijah*
JustcallmeAstin: okay! later! Love ya!
Splominic: love ya!
Splominic: *hangs up*
Then Elijah called . . .
lijahlvsdom: *I pick up the phone and decide to try Sean. I want to see if he knows about the engagement yet. I smile as I dial the number*
JustcallmeAstin: *picks up* Hello?
lijahlvsdom: Hi Sean!
JustcallmeAstin: ELIJAH! Just read the news this morning. CONGRATULATIONS!! You and Dom, huh! Should buy you flowers!
lijahlvsdom: *I laugh* Thanks. Yep, me and Dom. I almost had a heart attack, though.
JustcallmeAstin: Wow. A good kind, I hope. *absolutely giddy feeling, I'm bouncing in the office chair, tapping my fingers*
JustcallmeAstin: I'm so happy for you two.
lijahlvsdom: Thanks. It's the best feeling. It was just so . . .*I pause* . . . unexpected I guess. *I smile broadly* But i honestly don't know when I've ever been this happy before.
JustcallmeAstin: Oh my god, Lij--I just--wow, and to go from being scared shitless the other night--I'm just in awe here. It's really great.
lijahlvsdom: Yeah, well the other night was pretty fucked up. We talked about that. I'm going to talk to someone. You know, a professional. *I keep my voice light*
JustcallmeAstin: *I keep my voice very carefully light too* That's good. That'll help you, swear it.
lijahlvsdom: *I nod to myself* I thinks so, too. My mom had wanted me to go years back after the divorce, but I refused. Like I told Dom, I don't want to feel like I did that night ever again.
JustcallmeAstin: Well that's good--I don't want you ever feeling that way either. Boy--you've got a long talk with her scheduled today, huh.
ijahlvsdom: *I let out a breath* Yeah, I'm kinda nervous.
JustcallmeAstin: *shudders in sympathy* Yeah, I'll bet
lijahlvsdom: *The anxiety is evident in my voice* I'm not sure what she's gonna say.
JustcallmeAstin: Mentioned to Dom the possibility of her talking to my mom if it helps or anything.
JustcallmeAstin: You know with Mack and all
lijahlvsdom: Really? Thanks, Sean. I just don't know if she's gonna be okay with it.
JustcallmeAstin: Well she knows you guys are dating, right?
lijahlvsdom: Yeah, and she likes Dom.
lijahlvsdom: But, this is different, you know?
lijahlvsdom: Permanent.
JustcallmeAstin: Mm, I don't know because I haven't been in her kind of shoes, but it seems if she can handle you being with Dom dating, then she //should// be able to contemplate a permanent relationship.
lijahlvsdom: That's what I'm hoping. *I sound relieved that you've come to the same conclusion as I have* It just might come as a bit of a shock.
JustcallmeAstin: I mean, it isn't like you're an only child.
lijahlvsdom: *I smile* True.
lijahlvsdom: But I am her favorite *I laugh*
JustcallmeAstin: Well give me a call after, however it goes. And I heard Vermont possibly? Nice little hidaway?
JustcallmeAstin: **laughs** Hannah may take exception to that!
lijahlvsdom: Yeah, that was Dom's idea. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. Just don't tell her I said that! *I laugh again*
JustcallmeAstin: Well now we'll all have a little private thing to toast at dinner tomorrow. Oh, watch out, I may start getting romantic gifts for you two. *chuckles*
lijahlvsdom: Ooh, what kind of romantic gifts?
JustcallmeAstin: Oh, edible underwear--*snorts* French maid costumes--no seriously--um, I don't know. But I know I will.
lijahlvsdom: *I laugh loudly* Dom's had a bad influence on you I can see. Well, tell everyone I said hi, okay? Looking forward to this weekend!
lijahlvsdom: Though, I'm still worried about Bean.
JustcallmeAstin: I will! Ali's REALLy looking forward too. And my wife . . . for different reasons.
lijahlvsdom: *I snicker*
JustcallmeAstin: Well Bean--we just have to wait and see what's going on. Have you heard anything?
lijahlvsdom: *I shake my head* Nope, just the note he left me this morning. I hope he talks to Vig tonight.
JustcallmeAstin: Note? God, I'm so behind--I fell asleep at 8pm last night. What note?
lijahlvsdom: Dom didn't tell you?
lijahlvsdom: Wanker.
JustcallmeAstin: No!
JustcallmeAstin: WHat?
lijahlvsdom: Bean called me at like midnight last night drunk out of his mind because the visit to Orli's didn't go well apparently.
JustcallmeAstin: Oh shit! What happened?
ijahlvsdom: *I sigh* Not too sure. When he called he was pretty out of it. Told me he was in an accident and hurt his head. He told me not to come over there, but really, what was I supposed to do? He passed out over the phone so I rushed over to make sure he was ok. Mr. Compassionate rolled over and went back to sleep.
JustcallmeAstin: Holy shit!
JustcallmeAstin: He's okay?
lijahlvsdom: Yeah. . .
lijahlvsdom: But he was a mess when I got there.
JustcallmeAstin: But physically he wasn't hurt--
lijahlvsdom: Found him passed out on the floor, butt naked, with a cut on his head.
lijahlvsdom: It wasn't too bad.
lijahlvsdom: I cleaned him up, gave him some aspirin, and helped him to bed.
JustcallmeAstin: Naked? Now //that's// gotta have a story.
lijahlvsdom: I'm not sure I want to know to be honest with you.
lijahlvsdom: He was murmuring about telling Orli he loved him and it was a mistake. . .
JustcallmeAstin: I'll call him--see if he's up. I was planning on heading over to see him today anyway.
lijahlvsdom: He's not around. I stayed the night and when I woke up he was gone.
JustcallmeAstin: Damn . . .
lijahlvsdom: He left me a note saying he needed to work things out.
lijahlvsdom: Said he'd talk to Viggo when he got in tonight.
JustcallmeAstin: Oh good--Viggo will take care of him then.
lijahlvsdom: Yeah, I think Viggo will, if Sean really does talk to him.
lijahlvsdom: You know how he is.
JustcallmeAstin: Well at least Viggo won't let him drive around drunk and get into accidents.
lijahlvsdom: Tell me about it.
lijahlvsdom: I was so worried last night.
lijahlvsdom: Thank God he's okay. Physically, anyway.
JustcallmeAstin: Damn, I'll bet. When it rains, it pours, huH?
lijahlvsdom: *I laugh* Ain't that always the way? Never a dull moment.
JustcallmeAstin: And is Orli filming today I wonder?
lijahlvsdom: I'm not sure, I haven't talked to him.
lijahlvsdom: I'm sure he's a bit freaked about what happened.
JustcallmeAstin: *grumbles under breath* Gonna have to lock everyone in a room or something to talk.
lijahlvsdom: Though what exactly happened, I still don't know.
lijahlvsdom: Good idea.
JustcallmeAstin: Dinner should be interesting then. And do we know who all's going to the zoo--at least you and Dom are squared away--thank god!
lijahlvsdom: I'm sure Bean will still want to go. He's a stubborn ass, you know.
lijahlvsdom: I'm sure he'll pretend like nothing happened
JustcallmeAstin: Well I'm counting on that. I don't know if Chris will be okay with the whole thing otherwise.
lijahlvsdom: Yeah, I know. I'll let you know if I hear from him okay?
JustcallmeAstin: Hmm, well, I'll try to get a hold of one or the other later--or Viggo. See if any more details have popped up.
lijahlvsdom: I will.
JustcallmeAstin: yep--we'll triple team them you, me and Dom. They won't stand a chance.
JustcallmeAstin: hobbit pile! sorry. THat was bad.
lijahlvsdom: *I laugh* It's okay. I was thinking the same thing.
JustcallmeAstin: oh good, I'm not the only dork then. Well super duper happiness to you and Dom--guess I'll talk to you later!
lijahlvsdom: Thanks again, bye!
JustcallmeAstin: bye, bro!
JustcallmeAstin: **clicks off phone and looks to Christine** You'll never guess what's been going on . . .
Bean--if you're around--give me a call, okay? Come stop by and see the kids. Talking optional. ;)
Boy I think I have some phone calls to make this morning . . .