AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH as of 9:23am this morning I turned 20 years old! I am almost at the legal drinking age! youre hating on me I know it..lol anyways Im off to party with my loser friends..byyye
AHHHHH HAPPY BIRFDAY ERICA!!! now see what you need to do is get friends that are of legal drinking age to buy you drinks...thats what i do but shhh just dont tell my mom. lol hope your birfday is a good one.
thank you kindly chick<33333333 Now see I already have friends who can drink but *coughI'mnotaragingalcoholiclikeotherscough* lol juuuuust kidding :) but thanks le birfday was off the chain!
errrrr der chick you dont hafta identify yourself twice lmao like i dunno who you are *cries* I wanted a Mya icon damn you coloreds! always taking other peoples ideas before theyeven tell people they want it! you know I loooooooooooove you
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