The what and the why

Sep 19, 2005 20:38

LJ Interests meme results

  1. bronte sisters:
    Purveyors of brilliantly done classic English fiction. Toss in a very large fire, some cozy rainy weather, and you're set.
  2. compassion:
    What we all should aspire to, but seldom get there. Perhaps if we were all a little less afraid of what standing up against the myriad injustices that befall humanity, and tried to do the right thing, the lot of us would be a bit happier.

    Simple concept=impossible execution?
  3. fanfiction:
    Say what you will, there can't be anything the matter with a form that allows one to take characters they love and totally f them up in absurd situations. =)
  4. green day:
    They're fun, and they make me happy to listen to them. American Idiot is killer.
  5. james herriot:
    When I was in the 5th grade mew..(my cat just walked across the keyboard and spelled 'mew', while I'm writing about James Herriot..coincidence?)
    as I was saying, I got started on this series of books thanks to my grandfather, who'd given me a subscription to Reader's Digest a few years before. I was hooked! England, animals (both great and small), and really great narrative. You couldn't ask for much more than that.
  6. malcolm mcdowell:
    Saw him for the first time in Time After Time.
    Fell in love.
    Saw him later in Clockwork Orange.
    Experienced mega-lust.
    Watched him on the new Fantasy Island.
    Melt Down!!
  7. oliver phelps:
    He and his brother James were adorable in Harry Potter and the Sorcorer's Stone, cute as buttons in Chamber of Secrets, but in Prisoner of Azkaban, OMG! Where did these two handsome guys come from!?
  8. robots:
    I probably could write a book about how cool they are. Especially the self-aware ones. Along with computers, time travel, and Star Trek (gettin' a picture here?), robots have been a huge part of my early years, and shaped what I wanted to learn in college. When I grow up, I wanna be a roboticist.
  9. squeeze:
    Ahh, Squeeze, the band that never was...or rather, never really had a chance. I listen to commercials now, and wonder at the irony of how often one hears a song by them (Tempted, Black Coffee in Bed, ect.), when they've already disbanded! But, hope springs eternal, and I will keep fingers crossed that someday I will find myself going to another fabulous concert with the boys!
  10. time after time:
    I remember going to see this when I was but a wee lass. So began my love of time travel, Victorian England, and Malcolm Mcdowell and David Warner. In fact, a mere two years later, I would see David again in Time Bandits, and he's been a constant crush for years!

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