L's Survey (cause he said it was important to him...)

Feb 20, 2009 17:04

1. State your name or preferred moniker: (The) Doctor

2. If you could have a sweater made out of any sort of material, what color would it be?: Brown I guess.

3. What is your favorite kind of grape?: Any really.

4. What would you never call your mother?: Anything negative...she could give a very nasty psychic disciplining if needed...when she was alive.

5. Do you like frogs or windmills better?: Can you really choose between them? They're entirely different...one is an organic life-form and the other is a structure used to aid with aggriculture or to power generators.

6. Rousseau or Rabelais?: The former insulted me and told me I was illogical because I told him he was wrong...whereas the latter, I have the sneaky feeling put some of 'me' into his character Panurge.
...I guess ol' François didn't insult me as blatantly...

7. What are you the most proud of?: My companions.

8. What are you the most ashamed of?: Myself

9. Do you have any allergies to non-pollen or dust substances?: Aspirin and other human medication can kill him. Actually...so can some other species medicine too.

10. If you could be any member, living or dead, of the opposite sex, for one day, who would it be?: Umm...I don't know. Hmm...I've been possessed by a woman before...that was weird. River I think, so I could work out exactly what had been done to her brain.

11. If you could meet a former king, president, or other world leader, living or dead, who would it be?: I'm not sure if there are any left that I haven't already met...

12. Do you know where some cake is? Where?: No....but now I want some.

13. Do you know what a Real Doll is?: ...a what? ...no... seriously a what?

14. Would you buy one?: ...I don't even know what it is...but I don't 'buy' things so...

15. Would you use one?: ...for what!?!

16. Underwear?: Anything specifically about it?

17. What is the meaning of life, in three words or less?: Can't tell you.

18. Who do you wish you could punch, at the moment?: I'm a pacifist

19. What is your favorite person to cuddle with?: Umm...

20. Because Light will be moping... who is your favorite person to have sex with?: ...... wh..what!?!

21. What are you scared of that most people wouldn't expect?: I'm not...maybe Daleks....but certain people would expect that.

22. Take a wild guess. Someone, in this world, who you think is a virgin is: .....I...that's really none of my business.


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