today delayed opening. woke to a nice call from merideth, took her to school. got progress reports..did good exept for ghandi. after school went to chriss with davy and christina. went hoem and got picked up for applebees. 14 people went. soo much fun. after walked around commons for a little now on the phone with ericca my best friend later
today was alright. last day of hspa testing, it was hard as hell today. went to dustins afterschool for a lapdance to "shes a maniac" then got picked up by derek and went there..after went to my house ate with kyle then skated for a little. messed up my ankle..but who cares
great weather lately. walked home with marcin yesterday. chilled with goglia and kyle for a litte today. stuck babysittin my brother til 6. schools pretty gay with all the testing going on. never have time to finish lunch.