T-shirts and dancing and epic fangirlery, oh my.

May 22, 2008 14:13

So, I spent forever on a train yesterday in order to get to Yeovil for COBRA STARSHIP OH MY GOD. (I actually feel like I have no right to complain about the travelling I did though, because two girls came from Wales).

I was surrounded by spotty teenagers while queuing, which I found very amusing and a little disconcerting, but I forgot about it once I got inside and realised exactly how tiny the venue was. I knew it held 300 people maximum but I didn’t really consider that and it was only about half full! It was exciting!

I got a t-shirt, the usual, while hanging out waiting for Broadway Calls to come on, and I mostly leant against the wall trying to look inconspicuous in the face of all the scenemos. While I was doing this VICKY-T WALKED PAST ME. Wearing a gorgeous coat, but with the hood up which, oh Vicky-T, does not make you inconspicuous. BUT SHE WAS SO GORGEOUS AND I ALMOST DIED OF IT. She walked past me again a few moments later and I noticed a woman decked out in full Cobra merch stop her and give her a bag. ‘Aha!’ thought I ‘this person might be friendly and I can hang out with them!’ so I went over to say hello. Said woman was very nice indeed and told me all about how she had seen Cobra about 10 times over in the USA. I was incredibly jealous.

While we were talking Vicky-T walked back in to watch some of Broadway Calls set (which was pretty good. Their stage chatter was amusing) and all of a sudden she was standing a meter away from me. I was still too shy to go and say hello, plus it would have been rude when she was watching the band. But still! A METER AWAY.

Lots of Cobras appeared while Broadway Calls were on, actually. Ryland walked past me to get some ice from the bar and smiled at me. WITH HIS MOUTH. HIS MOUTH WHICH IS SO GORGEOUS UGH. Also, he really is scary tall and he was wearing white skinny jeans which, uh, wow. They were very tight jeans. Angie got a lot of texts before the Cobra set reading things like ‘BRB DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN’ >__>

And then Cobras came on. And. I cannot even. They were so amazing, guys. Gabe has the most fantastic stage presence in the world. If you know me you know I have a massive, massive crush on Vicky-T, but I was still pretty much transfixed by Gabe the entire time. I swear, if that man decided to start a religious cult he would have half the world under his sway within a week.

The only song they didn’t play that I really wish they had was ‘The world has it’s shine’ but they played all sorts of others so I was still happy. I sort of really, really want some Gabe/Vicky-T fic now because they dynamic they have on stage is sort of amazing. Gabe totally adores her. I had thrown myself into the pit by this point but I totally ended up the wrong side of the stage. Well. I say ‘wrong’. I was right in front of Ryland which was sort of amazing, but I was not on the side where Gabe was pretty much throwing himself into the crowd. I was surprised at how mad the pit was considering the size of the crowd, but then again I was also in the pit for Panic’s Camden gig and… yeah. That was vicious.

Other things I loved: Gabe’s dorky glasses of dork, Ryland’s mic being TEN TIMES HIGHER than everyone else’s, Gabe’s love of changing up lyrics (my favourite was “Girl I wanna make you wet” XD), Ryland’s t-shirt reading ‘pleasure’, Gabe’s utter love of the name Yeovil (“Yo-Ville! It’s like living somewhere called Dudetown!”), Gabe and Ryland making jokes about how the ceiling was too low (both their heads were up against it rather a lot).

ALSO. One of the techies was wearing a the Cab shirt, which made me smile. Oh, FBRfamily. ALSO ALSO, M (the woman I befriended) told me that she had seen The Academy Is…’s tour manager walk through. Which is totally adorable because hi could Cobra and TAI be any more married?

THEN. THEN AFTERWARDS. I went out for air before I died or something, and while I was hanging around GABE CAME OUT. He was, of course, immediately mobbed by fans (and, poor man, got backed into the wall. Though this did cause someone to shout ‘Gabe! You’re gonna get raped!’). I hung around and told him he was great and got him to sign my ticket etc etc. He was lovely, if obviously far too used to talking to fans, which I cannot blame him for. PLUS. He accidentally drew on some girls nose with sharpie, and then tried to clean it off. WITH HIS SPIT. It was actually really, really sweet.

Then I wandered away from Gabe and was chatting to M when ALEX WALKED OUT. He was so, so utterly lovely and utterly hot and was wearing that really sexy coat he has, and yeah. I thanked him for signing my ticket earlier and got a photo and we chatted a bit about how much we love unicorns (I was wearing the unicorn shirt). M asked him if the others were coming out and he said maybe but right now they were getting showers etc and then wanted to go and get Kebabs. Which. Guys. KEBABS. I will never stop laughing.

Anyway, at that point I had to run because I needed to go catch the last train, so I left and proceeded to sleep all the way home. It was one of the best nights EVER ^____^.

angie, music, i am a massive dork

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