i want to write more later, however, i feel this song captures the current situation pretty accurately, but probably with less intense emotion. and why yes, of course, it IS phil collins
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i edited my friends list this morning and i feel weird and bad about it. this was the first time i had to do this and i don't know the proper ettiquette of it. it's not a personal thing, it's just that with the people i edited, it seemed like a rare reading/acknowledgement of one anothers' journal. i hope this wasn't offensive, it isn't meant to be
i want to thank all who participated in my survey of spring fashion. i'm assessing things and deciding on designs that are practical and profitable at this moment. i feel that i must mention here that i don't depend on or necessarily follow vogue like the 10 commandments, but it is a sort of guideline to help me marketing-wise. thank you all
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so vogue has had out the top 10 essential spring wardrobe items and i'm looking for some feedback from people so i can start making some spring/summer stuff to sell
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what is up with lj lately? is anyone else having problems? i can't open my page often and when i leave comments, it either takes about 9 tries (not exaggerating) or the damn comment just doesn't show up.
i believe that most of my journal is now going to be friends only. if you check your pages and it looks as though i haven't updated in awhile, chances are it's just that i've mainly gone friends only. thanks.