Well, I said I'd do it if a few more people did, so here we go. Hopefully Chris was right and this will convince others to take it as well, since I think it's actually a pretty good one (at least by comparison). I cleaned it up a little bit (fixing punctuation and whatnot) and I think I fixed the wording on a couple as well. Enjoy!
1. Your full name: Gary Richard Brittsan
2. Your age: 21
3. Birthday: May 4, 1983
4. Zodiac sign: Taurus
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Hair color: Brown
7. Hair length: Too damn long
8. Height: 5' 10" maybe?
9. What state do you live in: Oregon
10. What town: Corvallis
11. Were you born there, if not, where: Nope, born in Roseburg, Oregon
12. If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been: Margaret
13. Would you name a child of yours after yourself: Nope
14. If you would switch names with one of your friend who's would it be: After way too much though, I'm gonna go with Zac
15. What's one thing about you that makes you unique: I am by far the laziest person I know. Not in a "I'd answer the phone, but it's all the way over there" kind of way, but in a "Yeah, there's a million things I should be doing right now. Oh well, wonder if my new movie is downloaded yet" kind of way.
16. Nicknames: None that people use to my face...
17. Siblings: Older brother Tom
18. Animals: I miss my kitties...
19. Favorite animals: Ooh, I can pick more than one? Tarsier, peregrine falcon, koala, panda, in that order. Domesticated? Cat
20. Do you have glasses: Sadly, yes
21: What piercings or tattoos do you have: Why, none at all!
22. What school do you go to: Linn-Benton Community College. Wonder if I'll ever leave?
23. Do you have braces: Nope
24. Do you have a tan: Heh, tans require sun
25. Do you have a b/f or g/f: *sigh*
26. If so what's their name, if not what's your crush's name: I think I've gotten over all my recent crushes
27. Do you play an instrument, if so what: Nope
29. What's your parents's names: Virginia
30. How easy is it to make you laugh: Depends on how tired/drunk I am, but generally, not very
31. What person makes you laugh the most: I think Chris is the winner here for me, too
32: Do you ever dance when no one is looking: I have on occasion had myself a dance revolution with nobody around, but otherwise no
33: When eating something are you more concerned with taste or nutrition: Heh, nutrition. That's that thing healthy people have, right?
34: Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat: Other than lamb, no. I will not eat lamb
35. What do you love most about the other gender: *sigh* yeah...
36. What do you dislike most about the other gender: Way too insecure. Almost all girls I know are quite insecure, and have absolutely no reason to be, and it drives me mad
37. What do you understand least about the other gender: As a whole, nothing, it's the individual people that I don't understand
38. What holiday do you think still has managed to retain its original meaning: I think Thanksgiving is the only mainstream holiday that has a semblance of its original meaning. The non-mainstream ones, including Chanukah, I don't know enough about to know.
39. What movie(s) make you cry: I don't think any make my cry my second time watching them, but quite a few have made me my first time through. The only two popping to mind right now are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and, dorky as it is, Dragonheart
40. What has made you laugh so hard you cried: I wish I could remember any of them, but I can think of at least three occasions, and two of them were after staying up late with other people, which tends to make me giggly. The other one I can remember was in middle school, at lunch break, in the Home Ec room, and it made one person fall out of their chair and another person shoot milk out of their nose, both of which contributed to the large amounts of laughter. Just wish I could remember what was so damn funny
41. If you could be cloned would you: It depends on what we're talking about here. It would be mighty nice to have an extra set of organs I could use if I needed to, so in that sense yeah
42. Are you a night owl: Very much so
43. Are you an early bird: Very much no
44. What time of day do you feel your best: I'd say about 6 hours after I wake up. The time of day that occurs at fluctuates quite a bit
45. Do you get bored: Oh god yes, so very easily. But I can always find something to occupy my time, so I do alright
46. Do you sleep: Quite
47. Do you like Christmas: The day itself is alright, but I'm very much in to the Christmas season. It's hard to explain, but I just sort of feel different around Christmas, and I like it a lot. It's by far my very favoritest time of the year.
48. Who is Santa: The spirit of Christmas
49. What comes to mind when you think of water: Water. Silly question
50. Do you like rain: Most of the time, no. Sometimes I do, though
51. Do you think it matters if girls wear makeup: The phrasing of the question forces me to say yes. I think it matters, because I think girls should not wear makeup. I hate makeup. I think it makes girls look funny and I think they're beautiful enough without having to look unnatural. Whew, been wanting to say that for a while now
52. Do you like popcorn: Very much
53. Can you dance: Sure, I can bend my legs to music or slowly spin around in a circle with another person. Not that complicated. Oh, you mean actual dancing? Nope, not a bit
54. Do you go to church: Used to, don't very much any more
55. Do you like TV: I sure as hell do! Though I watch more TV on my computer than on an actual television nowadays.
56. What's your room like: Man, I wish I lived in my old house so I could talk about my awesome room with walls made out of 2x4s and carpet. Alas, now my room is just sorta blah. It still kinda looks like I just moved in, actually. I still have stuff in boxes all over.
57. Do you believe in ghosts: I like what Chris said here, and it very much applies to me too. I really wish I did, and I think I used to, but sadly I don't
58. Do you like school: Yes. I hate school work, but I simply adore school. You'd think one who likes school as much as I do would do better in it, but that gets back to the whole hating schoolwork and laziest person I know thing
60. Do you wear a belt: Whenever I can possibly avoid it, I do. I hate them.
61. Can you sing: Yup
62. Do you take showers or baths: Most of the time, but I skip a day now and then when I'm not going to be around people
63. Have you ever burned toast: No, I am a supreme being of perfect toasting capabilit-- of course I've fucking burned toast
64. Do you like football: I tolerate it
65. Do you play any sports, if so what: Ski racing. Haven't done it since high school, but I'd really love to do it again (though sadly, the chances of me getting the opportunity are slim to none)
66. Do you bite your nails: Never
67. Do you like cooking: It depends on my mood, but most of the time yes, I enjoy it
68. Who has had the most influence on you: My mom
69. Do you floss: Nope
70. Have you ever stayed up ALL night: I can't remember the last time I didn't stay up all night
71. Are you selfish: Everybody is a little selfish. Except for me.
72. Do you like Mickey Mouse: I don't see what everybody's problem with him is, I like him just fine
73. Have you ever dyed your hair: Yup, and likely will again at some point
74. Do you believe in monsters: See my entry on ghosts. I'm open to the possibility, just lack the evidence
75. Is your room clean right now: Nope, never is and never will be
76. Do you eat breakfast: According to Chris, breakfast is the only meal I ever eat, but according to the rational, no I don't
77. Are you a caring person: Very much
78. Are you afraid of the dark: Nope, just the unknown that sometimes accompanies it
79. Do you have stuffed animals: Yup, though they don't have names
80. Ever broke a bone: No
81. Are your friends insane: If I had taken this in high school, I would have said yes. As it is, no
82. Have you ever mooned anyone: Fortunately not
83. Have you ever played truth or dare: Who hasn't?
84. Are you afraid of clowns: Not in the slightest, though I'd like somebody who is to explain why some time (seriously)
85. Did you ever believe in the tooth fairy: Probably
86. Did you ever believe in the Easter bunny: See above
87. What do you think makes a good friend: That's really hard to answer. I'll just be vague and say a person that I can be comfortable spending time with
88. Do you like Barney: Nope, he was after my time
89. Can you rub your belly and pat your head at the same time: Yeah
90. What's the first vacation you went on: I have absolutely no idea. The first one I can remember was for Christmas/New Years when I was... an amount of years old. We went to visit my moms brother and family in Ohio, then went to my dads sister and family in Maryland. It's the only time I can ever remember meeting my aunt
91. Have you ever had surgery: Oral surgery, otherwise no
92. Do you keep a diary: Nope
93. Do you get good grades?: Oh hell no. See my entry on uniqueness.
94. Do you go to bed early or late: Very late
95. Do you gossip: I enjoy listening to it, but have never felt the desire to spread it
96. Have you ever played hard to get: That would require somebody wanting to get
97. How would you describe your life: I wouldn't
98. Do you actually know your Social Security number: Had to learn it for school, so yeah
99. What do you want to be when you grow up: Happy
100. Do you want kids and how many if so: Not right now, though I accept that that might change
101. What would you name your kids: I have no idea, but I'd like for it to be something fancy and not ordinary
102. Do you want to get married: I have no idea
103. What's your dream car: One that requires no maintenance or upkeep whatsoever, including gas
~*~ Favorites ~*~
Answers marked with * were generally chosen purely as the first that came to mind, so that I wouldn't have to say "I don't know" or "I don't have one"
104. Movie: Changes frequently, and I have many of them. Currently, I think it's Shaun of the Dead
105. TV show: Firefly
106. Subject: Physics
107. Day of the week: Friday once it hits afternoon, Saturday if it has to be a full day
108. Place: Oregon
109. Place to eat: In front of my computer
110. Animal: Already went over this
111. Music group: Evanescence
112. Solo singer: *Pink
112 1/2. Composer: Nobuo Uematsu. I'm always disappointed that none of these ever ask this
113. R & B singer: Babyface
114. Rap singer: *Coolio
115. Pop singer: I choose not to answer this, for fear of my friends killing me to death
116. Country singer: Dixie Chicks
117. Punk singer: *Flogging Molly
118. Store: Fred Meyers, because they have everything
119. Possession: My immediate answer is my computer, but then I gave it a bit more thought. If I really loved my computer so much, I would be unwilling to give it up if offered a replacement, and that's simply not true. Then I had to think about what I have that this would be true for, and pretty quickly realized that my favorite possession is my pillow, which I've literally had as long as I can remember.
120. Cheese: Cheddar
121. Sport: Ski racing
122. Team: US Olympic Ski Team
123. Magazine: Don't read any, so I have no idea
124. Season: Winter
125. Flower: Bleeding hearts
126. Chocolate bar: *Hersheys
127. Restaurant: Red Robin jumps to mind, followed by Izzy's. Strangely, I haven't been to either in a very long time
128. Gum: *Spearmint
129. Snack: *Butter popcorn
130. Candy: *Nerds
131. Veggie: Tomato
132. Ice cream: Brown Cow
133. T.V. channel: Comedy Central
134. Juice: *Orange
135. Radio stations: 94.5, 97.9, 101.1, 101.5, 102.3, 104.7, 105.1
136. Cereal: Raisin Bran
137. Yearly holiday: If you've been paying any attention at all, you know this already
138. Fruit: Cherry
139. Month: December
140. Christmas Carol: *Carol of the Bells (in fact I pretty much love all of them)
141. Scent: *Bacon
142. Number: 37
143. Soda: Mr. Pibb
~*~Which do you prefer?~*~
144. Jeans or sweatpants? Jeans
145. Sun or moon? Moon, because it happens at night
146. Gold or silver? Never thought about it before, but I guess Silver
147. Math or Science? I like them both, but I gotta go wtih Science on this one
148. English or Social Studies? English
149. Checkered or spotted? Spotted
150. Fried or Baked? Fried
151. Chicken or Pork? Pork
152. Tight or loose fitting clothes? Tight shirt, loose pants
153. Smooth or rough? Smooth
154. Shiny or dull? Shiny
155. Bright or dark? Dark
156. Blue ink or black ink? Black
157. Barbie or Ken? Barbie
158. Warm or cold? I've recently undergone a change of philosophy on this one, and I now have to say Warm
159. Ham or cheese? Ham
160. Salt or pepper? Salt
161. Sunny or cloudy? Sunny with some clouds
162. Raining or snowing? Snowing
163. Sweet or sour? Sweet
164. Apple or pear? Pear
165. Army or Navy? Navy
166. Pool or beach? Beach
167. Shoes or sandals? Sandals, they're easier to take off. The correct answer is none
168. Short or long nails? Short
169. T-shirt or tank top? T-shirt. It's about all I own
170. Bike or walk? Bike, if I owned one
171. Bitchy and beautiful or nice and ugly? It depends on the degree of each of those things, but if it was all-out full-blown extreme, I guess I'd have to go with nice and ugly
172. MTV or Vh1? VH1
173. Spanish or French? French, because I know it and it's just sorta prettier
174. Bus or train? Trains are fun
175. Plane or boat? Planes are way funner! I love flying so much...
176. Friend or family? Family
177. Baseball or basketball? Baseball
178. Pen or pencil? Pencil
179. Paper or plastic? Paper. As I'm sure several of you know, I'm kinda anal about that
180. Truck or car? Car
181. Dinner or lunch? Dinner
182. Italy or France? France
183. Romance or flirt? Romance, though I could really go for either...
184. Dog or cat? Cat
185. Kiss or tongue? Tongue. More useful
186. Tall or short? Short
187. Mac or PC? PC
188. Hug or kiss? Hug
189. Football or basketball? Football! Oh, American Football. Nevermind then
190. Long hair or short? On me, short. On others, long
191. Ski or snowboard? Hmm, I hate snowboarders, and am totally obsessed with skiing... tough call
192. Song or parody? This is a tough call, because I often like parodies. However, more often, parodies blow. So I have to go with Song
193. Coke or Pepsi? I'll be the dissenter and say Pepsi
194. Pizza or cheeseburger? Pizza seems the popular choice
195. White chocolate or dark chocolate? White
196. Abercrombie or American Eagle? As Jessica said, American Eagle is the lesser of two evils
197. McDonalds or Burger King? Hmm, vomit or food...
198. Inside or outside? I wish I could say outside, but sadly, Inside
199. Shoes or no shoes? Well, since I loathe shoes, I think I'll have to go with not
~*~Which one of your friends is...~*~
Be warned that these are all opinions and may in fact have no basis in reality. I also reserve the right to use "Me" as an answer
200. Funniest: Chris
201. Strongest: Lisa
202. Hottest: Marie (see Katie, we're not all blind)
203. Most artistic: Tia
204. Has the worst handwriting: Cliff
205. Has the best handwriting: Cassady
206. The smartest: Cassady
207. Most likely to become famous: Marie
208. Most outgoing: Wes
209. Sweetest: Ria
210. Most obsessed with music: Wes
211. The most hyper: Michelle
212. Most trusted: Dylan
213. Biggest Sports Fanatic: I think this defaults to me, as I think I'm the only person I know with an interest in any sports whatsoever
214. Shyest: Me (if you're questioning this, I make quite a distinction between shy and quiet)
215. Boldest: Stephanie
216. Prettiest: I honestly can not answer this, as I find most females to be quite beautiful, which includes all of my friends
217. Biggest blabber mouth: Stephanie
218. Most talented: All of my friends are talented in different ways. This isn't specific enough
219. Most talkative: Cliff
220. Most sensitive: Katie
221. Shortest: Jen
222. Tallest: Carl
223. The one you can talk best to: Katie
224. The one that can make you smile: Anybody
225. The one that's always there for you: Me
226. Most perfect: Pobody's Nerfect!
227. Most insecure: Katie
228. Horniest: Rae
229. Shortest temper: Carl
230. Dirtiest mind: Michelle
240. Most unusual ideas: If unusual means stupid, Me
241. Has best hair: To me, best is not really a word that can be used to describe hair
242. Most boy crazy: Marie
243. Loves to dance: Rae
244. Loves scary movies: Me
245. Biggest flirt: Rae
246. Most likely to cry at movies: Katie
247. Most likely to talk to strangers: Wes (isn't this the same as outgoing?)
248. Most likely to get a tattoo: Jamie
249. Biggest party animal: Wes
And I know this is long, but I really do enjoy reading these, so other people should fill it out, too! Please?