1. who did you last get angry with?: myself
2. what is your weapon of choice?: my hands
3. would you hit a member of the opposite sex?: yes, and I have
4. how about of the same sex?: yes, and I have
5. who was the last person who got really angry at you?: mom
6. what is your pet peeve?: fake people, liars, egos, oh god it goes on and on.
7. do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?: depends
1. what is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time?: take my inhaler
2. what is the latest you've ever woken up?: 12:30pm lol.
3. name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't?: Deidra :(
4. what is the last lame excuse you made?: I don't make lame excuses.
5. have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?: unfortunatly
6. when was the last time you got a good workout?: the summer lol
7. how many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?: none.
1. what is your beverage of choice?: diet sprite, virgin pina coladas
2. meat eaters: white..
3. what is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?: dunno.
1. how many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)?: 2
2. how many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians/family)?: 2
3. have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? lmao. wow.
4. have you "done it"?: okay im not even answering that because your asking if I screwed someone by saying "done it". This isn't high school..
5. what is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of your choice: hurr and lips
6. have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?:
7. have you ever had to get tested for an std or pregnancy?: yes
1. how many credit cards do you own?: none
2. what's your guilty pleasure store?: oh god, Hot Topic.
3. if you had $1 million, what would you do with it?: SAVE some, and then get things I NEED, and 2 things I just want. The rest I would donate.
4. would you rather be rich, or famous?: famous. When your famous, your rich.
5. would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks?: maybe
6. have you ever stolen anything?: uh...once I think.
7. how many mp3s are on your hard drive?: I don't know, like 60? I lost kazaa so they're all from lol.
1. what one thing have you done that you're most proud of?: Got myself a job on my own at a store where the only way you get in, is if you know somebody. And get VIP shit for the warped tour when everyone said I wouldn't be able to do it. A lot more but those are just recent ones,
2. what one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of?: I don't know.
3. what thing would you like to accomplish in your life?: Be in a successful band
4. do you get annoyed by coming in second place?: I don't even care.
5. have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?: Yep, and I won, too ;D
6. have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?: nope
7. what did you do today that you're proud of?: got out of bed.
1. what item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own?: Um...Sarah or Malini's clothes? lmao. They rock it. I don't know, things I'd want that my friend's have isn't really an 'item'
2. who would you want to go on "trading spaces"?: Mike M.
3. if you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?: for like one day, I'd wanna be the girl who is Tyson's GF. lmao. But forever? me.
4. have you ever been cheated on?: let me count..
5. what inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?: patience
6. do you wish you'd come up with this survey?: no
7. finally, what is your favorite deadly sin?: uhhhhh....
Name: Erica Ann -------
Nickname: e bear, mostly. E-unit, by katie. lmao
Hobbies: music, aol, magazine
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black on top, copper on the bottom
Natural Hair Color: dark brown
Who do you love/like: Mike C. and G. and that's just infatuation. They're both asses for the most part.
Place: NYC or at a show
State: NJ or MD
Country: uh..Italy
Book: 'Define Normal'
Game: Life (yes thats a game)
Drug: Music..hey..its a drug to me. lol
Movie: White Orleander
Person: lots.
Internet activity: LiveJournal or board
---Do You---
Cut urself: used to, a lot.
Lick yourself: lmao
Whine a lot: never
Yell a lot: nope
Hate a lot of people: no, Strongly dislike? yes.
Have too many friends: rofl...right..
Want to die: sometimes
Believe in after death: sometimes
Go to church: haven't been there since I was 8.
Love school: no
Have a bf/gf: no
Do drugs: no
Wear dark colors: all the time
Try to be different: I don't have to try.
Have any piercings: yes
Break bones a lot: no
Dye your hair: once a month
shave strange places: lmao I like this survey
---Have you ever----
Kissed someone: yep ;)
Killed someone: no
Been raped: I don't think it was rape..
Smoked: no
Gotten Drunk: uhh...
Worn rainbow: GAY PRIDE! WOO! but no.
Talked on the phone for over 3 hours: all the time
Left the country: no
Had a party with over 30 people: no, I don't throw parties.
Taken nude pictures: no, but Marty always asks me. lol.
Stolen something: you already asked this, nimrod.
Broken a bone: yes
Ran away from home: yes
Burned yourself: yeah
Caught something on fire: yea
Cheated on someone: nope
Wanted to cheat on someone: no
Been dumped: twice
Dumped someone: all of them except 2
Had a dream then the next day it happens: uh huh
Pick One:
Cat/Dog: dog
White/Black: black
Hot/Cold: hot
Far/Near: near
Water/Land: land
Kiss/Sex: kiss
Online/Phone: depends
Beer/Book: book
Novel/Poetry: novel
Music/Silence: Music
--Dream Mate--
Short/Long Hair: emo hair.
Preppy/Dorky/Druggie: grungy
Freckles/No Freckles: no freckles
Hair Color: black
Hat/No hat: doesnt matter
Fat/Thin: not too thin, not too fat
Makeup/No Makeup: doesn't matter, black eyeliner is hot on guys.
Dressy/Casual: casual
Holding hands/Holding 'other body parts': other body parts? whaa?
You Touched: my mom
You Talked to: mom
You Hugged: Kevie.
You Kissed: I kissed my mom goodnight? lol. But you mean a guy? uhh..Mike C.
You Instant messaged: Amaletta
You Yelled At: Mike M.
Who Broke Your Heart: Chris ;[
Understanding: Yes
Open-minded: All the time
Arrogant: no
Insecure: very rarely
Interesting: i dont think so..
Smart: Academically, no. Common sense wise? yes.
Moody: not really
Childish: nope
Independent: all the time
Hard working: depends
Organized: sometimes
Emotionally Stable: for the most part
Shy: never
Healthy: uh, im not sick, if thats what you meant..
Difficult: no
Bored Easily: no
Thirsty: yeaa
Responsible: yes
Obsessed: with certain things, yes
Angry: sometimes
Sad: every night
Trusting: yes
Talkative: fuck yea
Ignored: by some people.
Reliable: yep
Self-disciplined: yeah
Sleepy: no
Lonely: yes
10 things on your desk
- lava lamp
- school books
- various papers
- "Speak" book
- demos bands have sent to me
- Magazine samples
- my cell phone (right now, anyway)
- a cup with pens in it
- a sweatshirt
- contest prizes people send me to give away
9 things you're looking forward to
- Shaundra coming
- Campfire Girls show
- Hot Hot Heat show
- Seeing Katie
- Seeing Sarah + Anna
- Story of the year/Linkin park show
- Getting out of NY
- Seein Halfway Broken..well..3 of them.. lol
8 things that make you happy
- music
- friends
- clothes
- hot topic
- food
- good movies
- being amused
- cheering people up/making them laugh
7 things that suck
- liars
- backstabbers
- fake people
- getting played
- feeling alone
- Avril Lavigne
- people with egos
6 things you touch every day
- Hair
- Makeup
- Clothes
- keyboard
- stereo remote
- bed
5 things you do every morning
- wake up
- stretch
- wash my face
- eat
- go on computer
4 people you'd like to spend more time with
- Malini
- Deidra
- Katie
- Shaundra (even though none of them actually live here..lmao)
3 movies you could watch over and over
- Bring it on
- White Orleander
- A Walk To Remember
2 of your favorite songs at the moment
- taking back sunday - ghost man on third
- campfire girls - someday
1 person you couldn't live without
bless you.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I have a lot to write about but I will do it later. So keep checking back. Don't comment yet cause I havent written anything.