Player Name: Dark Hawk
Age: 23
Timezone: EST
Personal Journal:
”dark_hawk_ex”Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: AIM: Hawdark
Email: Blsohn22@yahoo.com
Current Characters: N/A
Activity Checks: N/A
Name: Sanae Hanekoma, Mr. H, King a' Coffee, Coffee Man, CAT
Age: Unknown, looks to be in his late 20’s or early 30’s
Gender: male
Fandom: The World Ends With You (Game)
Timeline: After he becomes a fallen angel/end of game
Sanae’s page in the wikia Character Personality: The bluntest way to describe Mr. H is enigmatic, you never truly know what he is thinking, planning, or doing. He is fairly secretive, keeping his identity as the reclusive artist, CAT, secret, though Shibuya, in his world is riddled, with his graffiti. In general though, he is good nature and loves a good laugh. Taking things in stride that would be disheartening to most. Because of all this, and his way of speaking, he comes off fairly laid back which isn’t that far off, shrugging off his fate, by seeing the good in what happened. Mr. H is all about relationships and enjoying the moment, valuing both to the same amount.
Sanae is a bit of a troll. Calling Neku by a nickname, when it is obvious that the boy does not want to be called Phones, yet still he constantly keeps calling him by that name. To the point where he says. “Oh, right! Sorry ‘bout that. I got it now, Phones!” Another clear-cut example is when Neku asked Mr. H about himself, he pretty much gave the boy a personal ad about himself. What his favorite words, foods, birthdate, etc were. All in all he likes to see him and other people flustered. He’s also quite manipulative, the entire time he is with Neku he was forcing a change in the boys personality, to help snap him out of his self-actualization loop and to trust his people again. He had no qualms about using Sho’s eccentricities and lust for the composer position, to make him an ally of sorts, and set him off after Joshua and Neku to ensure the survival of Shibuya.
He is also fairly self-sacrificial. Giving up almost everything, to protect his Shibuya and allowing himself to become a criminal in his home plane, for it. He’s fairly optimistic, as he by the fact he holds the belief that his crime will be forgiven one day. He calls himself a big gambler.
Character Abilities: Mr. H is an angel and thusly naturally able to travel between worlds. He is also unique in the fact his noise form is two recolors of previous bosses, and are much stronger then when seen before. As seen in the secret ending, he is able to sprout angel wings and fly. He makes a killer blend of coffee. He is also capable of putting imprints into his art. Imprints are basically subconscious suggestions, to help people find inspiration. In Mr. H’s case he puts the command “Gather” to attract more people together and “Enjoy the moment, more,” which strengths the imagination, thusly strengthening the soul.
He is fairly artistic, having his own brand of called Gatito. He is also able to modify cellphones into tracking certain energy spikes and able to view pictures of the past.
Character Weaknesses: Coffee. Seriously he had opened a café up just because he loves the brew so damn much. He is also fairly secretive which would make resonating a bit of a problem at times. As much as he goes on about “trusting your partner,” he tends to give out, very little about himself. He loves to tease people which can rub people the wrong way. Due to his own eccentricities and not actually being a human nor thinking like them, he is extremely susceptible to the madness wavelength. He has a tendency to believe he is able to read people and then predict there actions.
He has a way of giving answers that don’t answer the question. Outside of his noise form he is not that strong, having average strength. He has a tendency of caring too much about the big picture and not about the pawns on his chessboard. That is he is quite willing to let someone die, in order to further what he wants done, though even then, he can acknowledge and sort of reward them, for it. He see’s nothing wrong with misleading people, after all it just another way to get what he wants, out of them.
Why your character should be a Weapon: In general, Mr. H does not work the front lines, rather directing things from behind the scenes, as his title “The Producer” suggests. In fact the majority of the game is setup to make you believe that he is “The Composer” until it’s jossed by Megumi and Joshua, revealing Joshua was. It is not until the secret reports he wrote, that it became apparent he was “The Producer.” When he would meet Neku, he would normally give him advice that the boy would think about for most of the game. In this way, Mr. H helped to ensure that Shibuya would not be destroyed, without actively doing much.
What is your character's Weapon form?: Mr. H’s weapon form is that of a player pin, one of the things he had designed. It has a black background with white skull and crossbones on top of it. This design is seen in many of CAT’s artwork and thusly has some great meaning to him…or he just likes the aesthetics to it.
In weapon form he can do four things.
Scanning: This is his basic ability; it allows the meister to pick up only the current surface thoughts of people. A lot of concentration is needed, as to focus on the target in question, or the meister using it would just pick up random thoughts of everyone around them, and possibly overload the meister’s brain, with all incoming information. Pretty much this would cause the meister to pass out for a small period of time. Very little resonance is needed to use this.
Imprinting: This is just simply putting a subconscious suggestion into a person. Depending on a person’s past, current mindset, willpower, and personality this can easily be shrugged off. And at best the command imprinted would be nothing more than a suggestion that would be used for inspiration; at worst it would be completely ignored. Like with scanning very little resonance is needed between the two. Player permission would be required before use.
Soul Sight: Like scanning, this allows a user to see what person a soul looks like. As this is the most invasive of his abilities, this requires a medium-high level of resonance to use.
Nexus Beam: A laser beam is shot out from the direction the pin faces. It pierces through and is roughly the size of the palm of a hand. It can only go in a straight direction and requires the user to stand still and concentrate to fire it. It requires a high resonance to use.
Soul Description: Manipulative, kind, passionate, easy-going, proud, clever
Soul Appearance: Mr. H’s soul is a grey color, with the tendrils in the shape of his hair and a halo above it. His face would be relatively, happy with a huge grin on it. The soul is larger then normal.
First Person: Hahahaha! So guys what do ya do when you find yourself in a new place, with no idea how you got there or how to get home?
The answer? Find a place that has a good brew of coffee! Ain’t nuthin’ better than a good cuppa joe, when things are being weird, you dig?! Speaking of which, this place has some great joe! Fabulous stuff!
The name’s Sanae Hanekoma, But ya’ll can call me Mr. H for short. So let’s all get along and enjoy ourselves!
Third Person: He had a simple plan, really. Walk around Shibuya and find a new spot for some new graffiti art! And enjoy a cuppa joe while he was at it. He couldn’t let his talents go to waste after all. What happened next surprised him. He was in a black room. It certainly wasn’t The Higher Plane.
Whether or not he was panicked at being forcibly pulled out of his world, didn’t show. He just rubbed the back of his neck, before closing his eyes, trying to vibe out of the world. He rather not be stuck in someplace he didn’t know, and run into himself. However nothing happened. With an eyebrow quirked, he barked at a laugh.
“Ha! Now isn’t this interesting.” Closing a one of his eyes, he brought his mug of coffee to his lips and took a drink. There was no nervousness, even if he couldn’t change his vibe frequency, in him. Angels were beings that were made to travel through the different worlds, after all. “So where can a guy get a cuppa, here?”
As with what Imprinting does, Player Permission is required before use. And as in canon, it can easily be ignored depending on the recipients will power, as can the interpretations of the imprinting can be something wildly different
As for scanning, the overload would only effect the meister using it and not the target.