OR: things you don't want to know, ever. Elaborations and ramblings thanks to That Last Meme under the cut to avoid brain breaking because it's Glitch. I'm in California and enjoying some lovely wine, leave me be. Flurry: I take no responsability.
1. Fandom law says Glitch ALWAYS tops, even when he doesn't. This is a staunch view held to counteract the tiny (but depressingly vocal) percentage of fic writers who portray him as a weepy, clingy uke. Because AHAHAHA no.
2. LIKES: authoritative women, leggy brunettes a plus. Yes, Your Highness, this means you even if I refuse to make Ambrose/Della Taxonverse!canon because I like DG's brain to be functional.
ALSO: blond guys, which is an in-joke but really, fellas have a pretty good shot with him. He's about a 2.(7)5 on the Kinsey scale because Alan Cumming.
3. Sex is funtiems, not srs bzns. Roleplaying and the like has to wait for a steady, intimate, trust-ladden relationship because of brain stuff, and...well, see #7.
4. His line of work requires a good deal of manual dexterity so he's good with his hands. Ooo-er. He also very much enjoys kissing and general cuddling as he's been without any sort of loving contact for so long.
5. THAT SAID: biting is okay, even clawing is okay, leaving a mark is fine. He's of the "we are not amused" nobility, and we all know those guys are kinky motherfuckers but AGAIN see #7. In the grand scheme of things he's pretty vanilla, but to make up for it...
6. Not-exactly-human partners who are sentient and humanoid? Bring it, he's a scientist. Heck, given the chance he'll happily spend a ridiculously long time studying/exploring/investigating perfectly human lovers. Glitch can be methodical like that.
7. All that said...the war was bad, the torture unthinkable, and the annuals after the headcasing lonely and terrifying. He is starved of human (or quasi-human) affection but scared to trust anyone for reasons he can't exactly remember, it is a balance he struggles with. The need for companionship tends to win out.
8. Yes, glitches can happen at any time. ANY time. This is highly embarassing and he will apologize in advance.
9. FIRST (girl): Age 16, with the lovely lass named Leona Wells. She was an annual older than him but kind enough to humor his advances because he was clever. Sadly she was a commoner and it never would have worked in the long run.
10. FIRST (guy): Age 19, snuck out of the party celebrating his appointment to court with Lady Westgate's eldest son, Nathan. Both were mildly drunk and giggled about ending up under the lilac bushes. They had the occasional fling up until the war, whereupon Nathan was killed for his loyalty to the crown fairly early on. Whoops.