Character Name: Glitch
Species (human/alien/vampire/other?): human!
Extra-human/abnormal abilities, if any?: Nothing superhuman-y, but he's got half-a-brain, is a bit of a mechanical savant, and knows kung fu.
1. Is it okay for your character's thoughts to be read/their mind to be probed?
Yes, but good luck with that.
2. Is it okay for any of your character’s intense/distressing memories to be seen/heard/read in this situation?
We should discuss it first for clarificaton purposes, but mostly yes.
3. What kind of mind does your character have? Are they disturbed at all? Are their thoughts ordered or jumbled?
His mind is pretty chaotic, thoughts and memories pop up from nowhere and trail off all the time. However if one looks close enough there are hints of the organized clockwork Ambrose used to tick by, just now someone's taken a hammer to it and there are springs and cogs all over the place. MMM, METAPHOR.
4. Is it okay for your character’s emotions to be sensed?
Oh yes, but again check with me for clarification if needed.
5. Does your character have a weak or strong mind? Are they susceptible to influence or hypnotism?
Fairly weak, with a little effort one can mindfreak him even if they don't have special powers.
6. Does your character have supernatural/mental fortification against mind-reading or telepathic communication?
Nope, his mind is an open book made out of sieves.
7. In the case of characters who are extra-sentient/psychic and can just 'know' things about people, can the muns of these characters use the powers of Wikipedia to get information about your character?
Sure, but check with me as most of his background etc. is headcanon, plus there's a whoooole lot of Taxon stuff to cover.
8. If so, is there anything that should absolutely never ever be brought up?
Not that I can think of.
9. Anything that should absolutely be brought up?
Nope? His past Ambrosey identity is pretty well-known now, so that's fair game.
10. Will thoughts in the narration be up for grabs? If so, how will you indicate these? Italics/strikes/something else?
Sure. Specific thoughts won't happen too often, but there may be flashes of memory that will get italics'd.
11. Does your character have any fears/phobias that you wouldn't mind being exploited? Ones that you'd like to NOT be exploited?
Doctors and assorted medical types, heights, dungeony environments...also canon decided that he is freaked out by scarecrows. Have fun with those.
1. Is it okay for your character to be affected by chemical agents? Fear toxins, for example?
2. Does your character have any unique biological difference that would affect their resistance to toxins/chemical substances?
The half-a-brain thing might make stuff MORE effective, talk with me :D
3. Does your character have any notable genetic/supernatural/biological difference that would make their blood in any way different to a regular baseline human's (that would make them taste different if they were fed on by a vampire, for example)?
While Glitch is 100% human, I take into account the fact that in Baum's novels Oz was referred to as a "fairyland" so his blood is rather nummy. Fairy Lite if you will. There is prescedent for this in-game so....yeah.
1. How okay are you with your character coming to physical harm?
...rather distressingly okay. I'm horrid.
2. How okay are you with your character's home/possessions being targeted by bad guys?
I'm okay with it, but ask me (and probably Emma) before mucking about with the Island.
3. Can your character be impacted by telekinesis?
4. With regard to vampires, would your character be willing to be a donor?
Not especially, but consent could possibly be wrangled.
5. If no, then how about unwilling?
WELL, the prescedent has been set so sure.
6. With regard to shapeshifters, are you okay with having those with this power taking the shape of your character?
7. If your character has any superhuman abilities, would you be okay with these being replicated by those who have the power to absorb/take on the powers of others?
No superhuman powers to report.
8. In a physical confrontation, is it okay if characters who have the power to sense/foresee/predict movements use this to their advantage against your character?
Yes. We'd probably have to discuss it, given how he's made of improvisation.
9. Are you willing to participate in plots where your character will sustain damage outside of a fight, such as in situations with torture, environmental hazards, or accidents?
...again, the prescedent is there and see above re: me being very mean.
10. Is there anything about them that would stand out noticeably (things like scars, physical augmentations, illness, anomalies, etc.) if they were ever injured or otherwise examined by a doctor? Are any of these things noticeable to others without close inspection?
May I draw your attention to the zipper on his head? It is shiny, and the tab jingles when he moves, and yes it CAN be opened, apparently allowing one access to his cranium. Remind me to make a big post of my headcanon re: this. Also he's got half a brain. Remind me to include my headcanon about THAT in the above-mentioned post that I need to do.
Speaking of headcanon and me being awful: If he were to ever trust a doctor to examine him/was rendered unconscious and needed treatment which involved removal of clothes, one would find much evidence of the Sorceress' hospitality in the form of many scars. Glitch wears a lot of layers for a reason.
1. Can your character be influenced and tempted by magical or supernatural means?
2. If yes, will someone with the ability be able to find this out about them, and in what areas (think the seven deadly sins) can your character be tempted?
Latent pride and a dash of envy with a small side of gluttony.
3. Could your character be glamoured (a form of mind control employed by vampires to make humans compliant/alter their memories etc.)?
Can be and has been!
4. Can your character be effected by spells of any kind, and are there any specific types to which they would be immune?
Yes, and not that I know of.
5. Can your character's presence be sensed by characters with the power to read auras/pick up generalized vibes from people?
6. If yes, what kind of stand-out things about your character can be sensed?
Glitch lives in a ~glass cage of emotion~. That goofy, bubbly exterior surrounds a core of repressed trauma and depression. The metaphorical ghost of brilliant, prideful, arrogant Ambrose could probably be picked up on too, but most of the negative is outstripped by Big Damn Hero-hood and that bottomless well of optimism.
His mind's easy pickings, his body's been through a lot (but he can still kick ass), his soul belongs to queen and country, and he's hopelessly besotted with DG. That's about the size of it.
7. With regard to characters that can sense danger/receive visions/predict general doom, are you okay with your character being the subject of any of this, if the occasion arises?
Sure, with discussion of course.
1. Will your character change their name as it is shown on the map? If so, what will they change it to?
2. If they’re able, will they ever opt to hide their location on the map?
Not under normal circumstances, no.
3. If your character is from an earlier point in their canon than another member of your cast, what is and is not okay for your fellow castmate to spill the beans about regarding your character’s future?
He's from the end of his canon now so N/A.
4. With regard to characters that like to snoop, can they find anything that's been publicly said by your character through the tablets?
5. How about privately?
...maybe, talk to me!
6. Is there anything you'd especially like to be known about your character, for the purposes of amusement?
Nothing that I can think of.
7. Anything you especially don't?
8 Do you like threadhopping (a character not already in a thread jumping in unexpectedly to reply to a comment), and are you okay with other people threadhopping in your threads and posts?
I don't do it too often but I tend to be okay with it. Still, check with me before jumping into one of my threads.
If there's anything not covered above, or if you have questions, or wish to do plotty things, do not hesitate to contact me. I'm on AIM (mirzath) and actually like getting PMs.