Note: when Best Buy says "for best experience, please bring..." they mean "for any experience other than gtfo."
Because I am apparently the only goofball in history to land at store pickup without the purchasing credit card, there was no way for me to pick u my merchandise.
So I go home and find that I cannot find my credit card. Like, anywhere. Yikes!
I need a(n actually) portable laptop that will connect via hard line to a non-wifi printer tomorrow morning no exceptions, so I go online and do not find the option to change my method of payment.
I call their customer care and find out that they can't change the method of payment of an existing store pickup, but that the store manager could have cancelled the existing order and resold me the merchandise at the sale price, because they do that sort of thing all the time, and phone customer care has no idea why the store pickup woman said there were no exceptions and would I like for her to call the store and verify that's what would in fact happen (asked when I expressed doubt) ??
Brief hold, call drops, no call back. This is okay because the "missing credit card for realsies OMG" factor is taking over.
Not found.
Order from amazon? No. 1, I got a better sale price on the Lenovo Ideapad than I could find on similar specs with same day (still tomorrow) delivery, and 2, class welcome letter strongly indicates a need to hit the ground running.
Called the store to find out if what the customer care phone person said was true. Best Buy numbers lead to call centers because call volume.
Said screw it and ordered from amazon. It was at this point my missing credit card strolled out from under the chair (ok fine you all know it would have if it could have) and said "problem? There's a lot of drama going on up here."
Cancelled the amazon order and seethed through traffic back to the store.
"Enjoy the revenue," says I tartly, "because this will be my last purchase from Best Buy."
"Sorry to hear that," says the guy, handing me my receipt. "Have a good one."
tl;dr version: the difference between a human being and a machine providing customer service is the emotional heavy lifting. Yup, everything under the cut epitomizes a love child of First World problems and my own inability to plan ahead. I still get better customer service from, and I've spoken to a human there twice in 10 years. Yes, it sucks when customers are lusers (ok, that's tech support wtfever,) but fact remains that the less emotional heavy lifting brick and mortar employees are ready to do, the more motivation I have to bend my life around phone menus, websites and vending machines.
Also, the Lenovo Ideapad 110s is pretty good for the price. Kind of one thing at a time, though.