Title: Funeral March
Characters: ShinouxDaikenja, as usual. I used the names
notjealous and I came up with 'cause they're corny and I love em.
Word Count: 484
Rating: PG
Summary: "You'll be mine, forever love, watching me from up above..."
Each and every man knew what it was like to lose a friend on the field, and the country’s Great Sage was no different. )
Comments 2
That was really sweet. (And the name's were perfect, ahaha. ♥)
And by that I mean you are awesome. Our names are awesome. Your song choice is awesome. I want to give you cookies and stuff. I'll... go write more. But. Seriously. STOP BEING ANGSTY. D:
He will come back. T_T In leather pants. And with a skateboard.
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