Something's happening. Again. I guess it's just one trial to the next. These hallucinations are... just that, they're hallucinations. No one put themselves in any danger because of them, alright? Be careful.
Gunshots? Who--
...It was only a matter of time.
[The streets are the same. The jungle growing from them, though--that's a little different.
Maneuver through the trees a bit, and you'll find Billy standing at the edge of the clearing, where a small straw-house village is set up. The dark-skinned people that live there--probably only a little over twenty of them--are going about their daily lives as Billy watches coldly. They seem happy. But Billy is waiting for--
There. A small group of about five armed men clad in American military uniforms burst through the trees. They're sweating, most of them with their jackets off, the others with sleeves rolled up. One even has his boots off and apparently walked through the jungle with only his socks. They look completely disheveled.
The villagers stop to stare at the men. Billy is the only one still looking at the village, studying the faces of the confused men, women, and children. Some exit their huts to look at the men that came with no warning, and others still peek shyly from small windows.
As one of the men, the one that seems to be in charge, speaks to the others in low whispers, one of the villagers, also apparently in charge, approaches them. He begins to speak in a language completely foreign to the men. To remove this language barrier, the commander promptly shoots him in the leg. Billy does not flinch. He stares only at the shocked faces of the people of the village.
The other villagers begin to panic. A few run to the aid of the man that was shot, but most run to hide in their houses. Some even run straight into the jungle, vanishing from sight completely as they leave the borders of the hallucination.
The men use their guns to bind every person they can find, going into the houses to drag out women and children by the arm and by gunpoint. The commander fires into the air in some kind of craze as the others work. They end up with twenty-three people, including the injured leader, all lined up and scared.
Only one of the Americans doesn't participate. Instead, he stares in disbelief near Billy, his shocked face juxtaposed with Billy's emotionless one. They look all the more the opposite of one another upon the realization that he and Billy share the same face.
"Get rid of them!"
The soldier version of Billy begins to run toward the commander.
"Kill them all!"
"Please, sir! Cease fire immediately!" The Billy of the past reaches for the commander's weapon, but he's only able to reach the man's arm before he is slammed in the face by the butt of the gun, sending him to the ground on his back.
"Do it!" the commander yells, completely ignoring the other soldier's protests. The other three obey without a word, showering a spray of bullets on the people gathered. Billy watches without a word, still in the same spot all along, while the other Billy gets off the ground with his hand over his face, running for the men gunning down the villagers this time, yelling desperately for them to stop, even though it's too late now.
When the images finally disappear, Billy remains still, staring, expressionless, at exactly the same spot he had been the whole time.]