Hide and Seek was only okay. Dakota Fanning can play creepy really well though. Also, it never fails. I seem to always end up sitting next to someone who makes me want to scream "SHUT UP!". This time it was this couple. All they did was giggle and whisper during the whole thing and I could not tune them out. The girl was laying all over her
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Comments 2
You should have said, "You're making me want to throw up. Now please shut up."
Call the guy back. In situations like that, I would put myself in his situation and say to him what you'd want a guy [who is about to reject you] to say to you. If you need to, write out what you want to say beforehand so you aren't all "uh, well, see, um...what had happened is..."
Your so sensible, Evie. Heh. I will call him. Even if I memorize it, I'm sure there will be a lot of "uh'ing" on my part anyway.
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