Last night was cool. someone stole my shoes. i made brownie mix and just ate the batter. without the eggs. i don't like raw eggs much. now i'm tired so i'm gonna go to bed. again. or maybe. well no i think i got a cold last night, actually. from sitting out in the rain with bare feet. it was really cold. but i got home and i got warm again. the end
Okay. So I might as well tell you what happened. Went to dance. Dance sucked. Went to Stewarts. Tripped on a curb and broke the fall with my FACE. And P.S. You TEAR when your face hits pavement, if you're laughing, I don't think it's considered crying. And it was for like 30 seconds. Cough, Liv and Emilie, cough.
For this post, I want you to comment with anything- a confession, a story, what you really think of someone- anything that has been on your mind that you want to get off your chest
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