Let's do something together, away from everything. Maybe we can go to the beach.
I mean when you have time.
Do you think if I keep your ability---
Does that mean---
Guess we'd have to be stuck here for a long time to be sure, but---
I know 'I'm sorry' doesn't cut it, but I am sorry. It's taken me longer to apologize than it should have and I'm sorry for that too.
You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I'd understand.
I'm sorr--- Does the hearing aid win out?
Anything specific you want me to keep tabs on other than people falling into fountains? Sorry I keep asking you this stuff. I didn't mean to go and disappear, so I kind of feel like I should ask, just to be sure.
Sorry about that too. I didn't mean to leave you hanging like that either.
I'm glad you didn't---
I didn't really get all of the morals, but that's probably because I didn't really get all of the stories either. Doesn't change the fact that I'll take that curse over a lot of the other ones any day.