I want to know 25 things about you. If we never talk, or if we already know everything about each other. You are obviously on my friends list, so let me know with whom I am friends with.
1. Your middle name:
2. Age:
3. Single or taken:
4. Favorite place to hang out:
5. Favorite pet/animal:
6. Favorite Band/Artist:
7.Tattoes and/or piercings:
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Comments 1
2. Age: 18
3. Single or taken: Single
4. Favorite place to hang out: The Zen Cha Tea Salon on High Street.
5. Favorite pet/animal: Right now, my only pet is Ivy, my cat. :3
6. Favorite Band/Artist: Ah...that's tough. I've been listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs a lot, lately.
7.Tattoes and/or piercings: No, not yet. My Monroe rejected, and I never have gotten that tattoo I wanted.
8.What's your philosophy on life? Just live it, baby. Life is groovy--relax, don't judge, be happy no matter what.
9. Tell me one odd/or interesting fact about you: I have never been kissed. :3
10What is the craziest thing you have ever done: I'm not really crazy. I smoked some pot at a party once and got really sleepy, does that count?
11Ever been arrested/gone to jail: Nope. =D
12How would you describe a romantic evening? A night in with a man I love. Serving him drinks, watching him read and smoke and ignore me, basking in pleasure when he finally deigns to stroke my hair or offer a passing glance. <3 ( ... )
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