kimslimjim1920: fuck cops, man
how didmary diie: =-O=-O=-Owhat happened?!?!?!!
kimslimjim1920: nothin...a cop car just drove by and we thought he might come back so we had to cut our party short...i think i'm only slightly toasted
kimslimjim1920: heh toasted
how didmary diie: ill give you the test
kimslimjim1920: i liked it...and i smoked a cigarette too and liked it!
how didmary diie: Y <--- does that look like a T... ONLY ITS STRETCHING?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
how didmary diie: ahaha oh kimmeh
kimslimjim1920: lol no......
how didmary diie: ok youre not stoned. ahaha
kimslimjim1920: i am pretty hungry though heh heh
how didmary diie: lol.
how didmary diie: is your mouth dry?
kimslimjim1920: i guess...i'm thirsty and drinking snapple
kimslimjim1920: lol
how didmary diie: :D
how didmary diie: i think im gonna stop shaving my legs
kimslimjim1920: groos, why/
kimslimjim1920: oh yeah, what the htll am i thinking? i dont' shave wither lol
how didmary diie: wow. you cant type at all.
kimslimjim1920: lol oiknow
how didmary diie: kikimmeh's stoned.
kimslimjim1920: lol
kimslimjim1920: i wish jim was here...he'd be proud of me...i think
kimslimjim1920: what the fcuk? i was eating with my hands and i have a frk right nere!
how didmary diie: omg. kim
kimslimjim1920: lol llol what?
how didmary diie: youre all high
kimslimjim1920: lok cookl
how didmary diie: you know kim.
how didmary diie: a lot of great writers were huge potheads and druggies.
kimslimjim1920: lol
kimslimjim1920: alright!!!!!!!!
how didmary diie: Jack Keroac. holy shit. drugs to the max. amazing writers.
how didmary diie: writer*
how didmary diie: daydreamundrscor: she smoked almost a bow
how didmary diie: =-O
how didmary diie: can i IM dave and tell him youre stoned? he'd get the biggest kick in the world out of it.
kimslimjim1920: lol sure
kimslimjim1920: yeah....he thought i was like a prude and shitk,,right?
kimslimjim1920: psssssssshhhhhhhhh!
how didmary diie: how didmary diie: ahahah wanna hear somethng funny
u is Owned: ok
how didmary diie: kimmehs ALL stoned. lmao.
u is Owned: hahahah wow
how didmary diie: i wanna post you in lj. hope you dont mind.
kimslimjim1920: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!
oh that kimmeh.
i really should be in bed. god damn my body hurts. i need a mattsage. eheh. im done. night kids.
and on that note:
DeFtOnEsMaN67: you know a peanut is not actually a nut its a legume