abaxrpg application

Dec 02, 2011 22:31

player information.

name: Danni
are you over 18?: Yes indeed!
personal lj: 49thidentity
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: purewhiteglastonbury@gmail.com, khajixda @ AIM, kidcomrade @ plurk
characters in abax: Nobody yet!

in character information.

series: No More Heroes
name: Travis Touchdown
sex: M
age: 30
race: Human
height: 6’0”
weight: 175 lbs
canon point: Post-NMH2, but pre-epilogue
previous cr: n/a
history: "You are the crownless king: the one who got out. You reached the top, then walked away."

personality: True to his game's title, Travis Touchdown is anything but a hero. Not a traditional one, at least. He's crude, violent, and a bit of a horndog--a pretty face and a nice figure can sway him into anything, which Sylvia Christel, United Assassin's Association agent (and his primary love interest) does often--but he's much more than that once one looks a bit deeper. Though he was once entirely selfish, killing for fun, profit, and to have a shot at sex with a hot French girl, he's gotten better about sympathizing with others as of late. He's most certainly a jerk when he wants to be, yes, but he can still shut up and listen when it counts. In fact, he frequently will wait to begin a fight specifically to listen; he's quite capable of being touched by the experiences of others. However, the pain of the deaths of his loved ones (his parents' murder many years ago by his sister Jeane, his battle to the death with that sister three years ago, and his best friend Bishop's recent murder) has still shaken him and made him occasionally awkward or naive in social situations. (This also applies to romantic relationships: he talks a big game, but most of his experience comes from porn tapes and hentai.) He's been betrayed before and can be hesitant to trust others as a result, so it takes a lot of work to get past his angry otaku exterior. When he does open up and befriend someone, though, he is very loyal and will do his utmost to protect them. Also of note is his persistence in all situations: whether it's exacting vengeance or trying to get laid, Travis doesn't give up on anything easily. Once he sets his mind on a goal, it gets done, no exceptions. He's also quite dedicated to improving his fighting technique; he's always working out or looking out for new wrestling moves.

Travis is also a gigantic nerd, if the lightsaber beam katana he won on Ebay an online auction is any indication. Among his loves are wrestling (particularly lucha libre), mecha anime, magical girl anime, video games (particuarly shoot-em-ups), and sci-fi movies and TV shows. Travis is always spending money on merchandise--his home is completely covered in it. He seems to be irresponsible with his money and to spend freely on whatever whims come to him. He COULD live somewhere much nicer than a motel room coated in geeky crap, but he doesn't really have the sense to save up for something like that. However, his cat, Jeane, always comes first, and he's quite devoted to her. Travis always treats her to the best of everything, from buying her the best food and toys money can buy to carefully regulating her diet.

Though violence is usually his first reaction to a problem, Travis takes death and killing very seriously, now that he's seen what the consequences are first-hand. Though he is an assassin, he only kills when it is completely necessary: he views all fights as a test of strength and, as such, always fights fairly. He detests murder without a cause and respects his opponents, especially if they're a good match for him. He's an oddball, yes, but behind it all Travis is reasonably intelligent. He is a fast learner and has a knack for picking up his opponents' strategies and turning them against them. He's also known to wax philosophical from time to time, usually when he's questioning himself and his own motives.

He was once unable to kill women--something he's now overcome--but he still maintains his own strange form of chivalry. Though he flirts like nobody’s business, he won't make a move unless prompted, and even then, if it feels wrong (e.g. the girl is crazy or too young), he won't go with it. Which...is something one wouldn't automatically assume from the stuff he watches. (It's okay to ogle a woman as long as they're legal or not real, right? Right?!) Basically, he tries to refrain from hurting women he isn't assigned to fight, and doesn't mack on the underage. He also refuses to kill children and has previously spared assassins who he believed were too young.

Though Travis eventually faces his dark past, he can't completely put it behind him--there's still a picture of Jeane in his house, even though the face is scribbled out. He is a man filled with a lot of pain and a lot of regrets behind a seemingly shallow front. He won't admit it to anyone, not even himself, but the guilt is always there and constantly gnawing at him. Suda51, maker of the games, has said that Travis actually keeps a picture of the Virgin Mary by his bed and often prays to ask her for forgiveness for those he's killed. He's caught in a vicious cycle of his own making: by refusing to completely reconcile with his past and move on with his life, he tries to find distraction and solace in assassination, and when things go wrong and he isn't sure what else to do, he continues to kill and find different ways to shift blame for his problems away from himself. The assassination business was a way out, and a self-desctructive one at that: something he’s very familiar with, what with his many internalized insecurities.

However...what matters now is that he is at least somewhat aware of these personal flaws. He's had time to think about things. Even if he doesn't stop killing, he's still taking it more seriously. He knows all too well how badly it hurts to lose someone, and he'll do anything for the few loved ones he's got left. But most importantly, he wants to actually start doing things right and turning things around for himself. He wants to be a hero. He even says it himself.

"I want to be a hero, by my own standards."

Long story short, Travis has grown from a near villain protagonist to a jerk with a heart of gold. He's still got a slightly...unique view of right and wrong, however, and he's still not an entirely emotionally mature individual. Though he's still got a very long way to go before he can truly become a good guy--if he can ever become a "good guy" at all--he's on his way there.

abilities/powers: Travis is skilled at swordplay as well as physical combat. His experiences in both are varied; he's learned new techniques everywhere, from training in the infamous Dungeon in Calgary and under a former professional wrestler to correspondence courses and video tapes. His style's rough at times, yes, but his strength is not something to be taken lightly. He's at his most clever in the middle of a fight--he's got a decent sense of strategy, even if he's sometimes too hot-headed to remember it. (For example, during his fight with Bad Girl, the wrestling moves he did were all focused on weakening her batting arm.) Travis is also quick to learn new techniques and is reasonably intelligent.

In-game, he has a set of "Dark Side" abilities. Travis enters a trance-like state for a few moments and displays superhuman abilities, most notably super-speed, time manipulation, energy blasts, and shapeshifting (into an adult tiger). As there...really isn't a canon explanation for these abilities aside from them being a gameplay mechanic, I won't be including them.

As for weaknesses? Travis is an ordinary human and, now that he’s without cutscene immortality and unlimited continues, he can be killed fairly easily. Furthermore, his fighting style is quite rough and unrefined, and he is also mostly accustomed to a beam weapon, which is much lighter than the average sword. It’s likely that he’ll be slowed down a lot without his trusty beam katanas. He also has the tendency to be a bit of an idiot and easily finds himself in trouble. Especially when there are ladies involved. Or people who aggravate him on purpose. Or both.

first person sample:
previous game sample -- "Welcome to Bell Pointe."

third person sample: (previous game sample: Travis vs. a Resident Evil monster!)

If Travis Touchdown had learned one thing from Bell Pointe, it was that fighting a monster was a hell of a lot different from fighting an assassin.

It wasn’t nearly as fun as he’d imagined it to be.
Of course killing wasn’t a game. He knew that much, especially after his last run-in with a certain Ms. Christel and her hellish Association: the taste of blood still hung, acrid and metallic, in his throat, and he wasn’t about to go fucking around with fate anytime soon. He’d had his fun. But this-fighting his way through these things that roamed the foggy streets of this town-was something else entirely. There was no honor in this. It was a fight for survival, plain and simple. To be blunt, it made him feel like an animal: like prey. He wasn’t prey, goddammit, he was an assassin, and a damn good one at that, if all the corpses he’d made over the last three years were any proof. 
...And what on earth was this town, anyway? From the faint scent of sea he’d caught on the air and the weather-fog, fog, and more fog-Travis wagered it was somewhere near the sea. But circumstances being what they were? He seriously doubted this was some fancy beach vacation. Even without considering his abso-fucking-lutely bizarre arrival (he was pretty sure his front door wasn't actually a portal to some Silent Hill rip off), something about Bell Pointe raised the hairs on the back of his neck; as if the very town was just WRONG, somehow. Something not unlike static crackled on the wind, and he could’ve sworn he heard… well, something. What the hell was that he was hearing, anyway? He couldn't place it for the life of him. 
But he wouldn’t have the time to complain, not even to himself. The noise grew louder and the tell-tale clatter of claws on the ground caught his attention. Travis gritted his teeth and reached for one of the beam katanas on his belt, fingers grasping for the hilt, thumb jamming the ‘on’ switch. His weapon was out not a moment too soon; the subtle electronic hum of the sword rang out just as the Licker’s tongue lashed through the air, whip-like, to wrap around his neck.
Damn it-DAMN it all-he was struggling, he gasped for air once, kicked his feet-fuck, if he had to inhale any more of this thing’s rancid breath, he was going to hurl-
With a strangled cry, Travis slashed clean through its tongue to free himself, swearing loudly as the Licker hissed and screeched and scrambled backward, wounded. He was freed: winded, but still freed. The bit of the tongue that’d been strangling him fell to the ground with an unappealing wet noise. Travis kicked it away with a grimace, and it landed on the pavement with a sticky-sounding slap.
But that alone wasn’t going to stop it. The creature launched itself back at him like a shot; the claws were heavy on his chest and before he knew it his back had slammed into the pavement hard and the breath escaped from him in a harsh gasp- 
“F-fucker, get the hell off of me-“ 
The snapping, dripping set of jaws were an inch from his face when, with a grunt, he stabbed his weapon into its head. Hard. It shrieked once more, heat and light and searing pain boring through its skull, the unnerving sizzling noise and odor of burning flesh nearly overwhelming them both; then, with as much force as he could muster, Travis yanked his weapon out of the monster and kicked its body off of him. The Licker writhed in pain before finally settling in a heap, dead.
The man stumbled to his feet: he was coated in blood and saliva, winded, and incredibly pissed off.
“Goddammit,” he grumbled to no one in particular, breathing labored. “That thing…better be dead.” He mopped a bit of blood from his face with his sleeve; with one last look at the felled beast, he continued on down the road.
“I don’t need to deal with any more of this bullshit today…” case no: 11-07-51
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