Title: A Darker Shade of Twilight Pairing: Sirius/Remus Rating: R-ish Category: Angst (As Usual) Warnings: Slash Summary: Snapshots of a relationship over the years
I've been meaning to read something of yours for a while, and I'm so glad I've finally had the time.
I really believe that you have real talent. Your writing is so real, and you articulate everything so beautifully. I've been frustrated with fandom for awhile, to the point where I don't even want to write anymore, because it seems that writing like yours is getting passed over in favor of mediocre, cliched writing. It's hard for lesser known writers to get real feedback, and it's something that has completely killed my motivation as an author.
When I read this, I see true talent. It's not copied, it's not pretending to be something else, it is original and beautiful. Your style and prose are incredible. Reading this literally inspires me to write again. I know I'm rambling, but it's so refreshing to see writing that comes from a unique voice.
I'd love to talk sometime, if you've got a messanger program or anything like that.
Wow. Just...wow. Thank you so much for the kind things you've said, and I'm especially honored to hear that you're inspired to write again because of me. That's inspiring in and of itself. I would certainly love to talk sometime - my MSN is slayerstyle717@hotmail.com, and my Yahoo is ella_vate77@yahoo.com.
hahah, I was wondering what this was on my favorites list so being the bored spring breaker I am I came and read my silly comment. And laughed. And then I started reading the fic again and I stopped laughing, and I swear that the entire world was quiet. Jesus Christ this is such a masterpiece. Maaaaasterpiece. It needs to be published somewhere. I shall find a way, screw JKR, she couldn't possible do anything as brilliant as this. I'm not even kidding when I say I think this is the best fic I've ever read, even the second time.
Comments 14
I really believe that you have real talent. Your writing is so real, and you articulate everything so beautifully. I've been frustrated with fandom for awhile, to the point where I don't even want to write anymore, because it seems that writing like yours is getting passed over in favor of mediocre, cliched writing. It's hard for lesser known writers to get real feedback, and it's something that has completely killed my motivation as an author.
When I read this, I see true talent. It's not copied, it's not pretending to be something else, it is original and beautiful. Your style and prose are incredible. Reading this literally inspires me to write again. I know I'm rambling, but it's so refreshing to see writing that comes from a unique voice.
I'd love to talk sometime, if you've got a messanger program or anything like that.
stay safe, keep writing.
I would certainly love to talk sometime - my MSN is slayerstyle717@hotmail.com, and my Yahoo is ella_vate77@yahoo.com.
Thanks again.
*not to mention silly*
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