Ask me about my Chords of Steel ;O

Jul 15, 2009 09:37


Name: Jack
Age: 18
Gender: n/a
Does it matter which gender you are rated as?: I prefer male, but if you really think I'm like a girl say so. =3

Strong Points and Traits: When I know what I'm doing I work hard to make sure that what I'm trying to accomplish is done well. When I don't know what I'm doing I ask a lot of questions to make sure I do it right (not sure if that is a good thing or not). In turn, I tend to try my best to teach others how to do a job so they can be more self sufficient. I honestly don't mind if someone asks me for help as long as they aren't rude about it. I think I'm a pretty good teacher. I try to walk them though slowly and when they don't understand I try to explain. I also am patient enough to repeat things over and over if need be, but only in regards to teaching.

I like to be neutral in most arguments and whenever someone has a problem I try really hard to find a solution. It's not so much that I like solving problems as it is I hate conflict and since solving the problem is the best way resolve conflict I usually try hard to do it. I'll try multiple solutions to see what works best for the people involved.

I have a sort of dry/sarcastic sense of humor and delivery a lot of the time. I can sometimes be really funny because of it, but only with the right crowd.

I actually tend to adapt pretty well to situations. Initially I can get really frustrated, but I tend to accept the changes pretty quickly and get over my irritation if there is any. If anything I think a lack of change gets really boring for me.

I'd say I'm pretty reliable as long as outside forces don't stop me from being so. I'm always at work when I'm supposed to be, unless I'm sick, and I'm on time 99.9% of the time.

When I really invest into someone I try and be as loyal as possible to that person.

Despite what some of these traits might make others think I can actually be very laid back about a lot of things. A lot of times, even if I sound offended I'm actually not, usually I point out something that could be insulting, but more often than not I'm not actually insulted or upset.

I tend to see people in a large ray of colors. Despite my previous judgments I'm always willing to be friends with someone if they really want to, but they would have to be the person to make the first step.

My bravery comes in spurts and usually when others lack it.

I can be really stubborn about things. I usually don't consider myself a pushover when I give in. I just feel like it's not worth it and would much rather not argue.

Weak Points and Traits: I can be very moody. I tend to lash out at people without intending to when I'm frustrated or upset. I also tend to get very frustrated when things aren't going the way I want them to. In these situations, I usually try to keep my cool, but end up cursing a lot and feeling stressed. I'm also a bit shy, especially around those that I admire or possibly crush on. In those situations I tend to get very quiet and withdrawn. I also tend to lose my words or stumble a bit over them. I'm easily made jealous too.

Most of my friends aren't really that close to me. If someone is close to me, I prefer for them not to have to many other friends, at least ones that they are close to. If they do it makes me a little upset, but I usually don't say anything. I'm not sure if that is how most people are or not. I can also be very aggressive. I try not to let my aggression show, but people make me angry a lot and sometimes it's over stupid things. I don't usually lash out though.

I'm kind of a perfectionist (to my own standards) and when things aren't how I wanted them I get a little annoyed. When I train others, I get tempted to correct them into doing something my way, but I usually have to remind myself not to as long as there way works too. Then I usually compromise by telling them my way while explaining that theirs works to so whichever way they want to use is fine. I am very impatient in a lot of cases. Especially when someone is relying on me for something and then in turn I have to rely on someone else. If they aren't going fast enough I usually end up trying to speed them along.

I also get into my little moods where I want to be away from people because I need time to think alone. At the same time I tend to like having someones company as well, even if all we are doing is sitting in the same room doing two separate things.

My sense of humor is a little skewed. I find the most horrid things to be funny. Often times when other people are angry is amuses me, even when they are mad at me. That and people falling down, or being hit. I think someone might beat me up one of these days.

As far as self-esteem goes... I have a very small one. I try to let people know that I don't think I'm the best thing ever, but at the same time I'd like to think that I'm pretty decent at stuff. And on my bad days I have no self-esteem at all. I'm really not that confident in my work or looks.

I get bored very easily and hate having to do the same exact things all the time. I try to get into some sort of routine, but even that would get on my nerves. I like to try new things... and even if I do the same thing my whole life it would be nice to at least switch it up once in a while, or change my major duty as far as work goes.

I'm such a sucker for pitiful people. It doesn't matter what they have done, even if they killed someone, I find it really hard not to feel bad for them when they are in trouble and obviously distraught about it. I feel bad, but at the same time I really don't know what to do with this feeling. Something similar to this, I tend to justify bad actions in my head sometimes that others have done even if I think they deserve the punishment they got... or at least some sort of punishment.

Likes: For the sake of not making this huge I will try and cut back. There is a large list Here
Drawing/painting: Practicing anything, but I prefer animals and people. (Fantasy creatures included)
Writing: My own personal stories, poems (Which will never see the light of day), and Lyrics (also never seeing light of day), roleplays.
Role Playing: 'Original' characters, sometimes fandom rp's too.
Reading/Books: Manga, fantasy stories, romance(some)
Music and Movies
Colors: Green, Blue, Red, Violet, Black(It's not a color but I don't care..) I like the others too. ._.
Art: I like looking at what others come up with. =3
Traveling: It's like an adventure, just with more traffic.
Animals: Foxes, Okapi's, Seahorses, Horses, Dogs, Wolves, Cats.
Space: I find it very interesting, though I'm more content to stare up at it then study it necessarily.
Rain: I love the way it sounds and feels.
Fish: Like the smell, hate the taste.
Alfredo sauce: Bleck!
Crowds: Can't I have some damn SPACE?
Feeling trapped: "Move Bitch, get out the way."
Sharpening pencils: I hate that feeling... and then they never come out right for me ether. =/
Stupid people: Well.. sometimes they are entertaining. X3
Chat speak: Things like brb and lmao are okay, but none of this h8 crap.
Horror Films: My imagination runs wild with these things and I can't sleep.... I have enough trouble as it is I don't need something fueling it more.
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, Cosplay, Role playing, reading, thinking, relaxing, video games.
Skills: I'm pretty skilled at drawing, painting and writing, though I'm still improving. I'm good with math when I can get my brain to function. I've been told I'm a decent teacher.

Introverted or Extroverted?:
I'm more Introverted. Unless I'm comfortable with the environment or the people around me I'm very shy about what I do. And even when I'm around people I trust I get nervous and hate to look stupid a good amount of the time.

Rational or Emotional?:
I'd like to think I'm more rational with underlying emotional tendencies.
I can make the more rational decision, yet I understand the emotional side and occasionally the emotions win out the rational. *shrug*

Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
Pessimistic, defiantly. Disease pretty much sums that one up there.

Dominant or Submissive?:
I'd say I'm more submissive overall. I don't like to force myself onto someone, be they friends or something more, in any way. I tend to attract friends who can and will order me around and a good 70% of the time I'll do what they want. I think I'm more defiant than dominate and my success rates aren't so high. Sometimes I can be a bit dominate though, but that's after I've known someone for a long time and I feel really comfortable with them... but even then if they try an be dominant I'm more likely to cave.

Large Groups or Small Groups?:
Small groups. I don't really like being around a lot of people. I prefer small groups of people I like, or even one or two people. =D

Cautious or Impulsive?:
I tend to be more cautious because I try my best to avoid danger or misfortune. I can be a bit impulsive, but I usually want to retract what I did without thinking about it so caution works better for me. Even then I don't like everything I do, but at least I thought about it. X3
There is a time when you think about something to much though and you need to just do rather than sit around. I try to be careful what I say to people so they can't use it against me later or so they don't hate me and stab me in the eye one day. I don't mind if people don't like me, but hate can lead to much more dangerous ends.

Favorite Character: It's hard to pick one. I really like Phoenix Wright, Daryan Crescend, Apollo Justice, Trucy Wright, and Vera Misham. I really like a lot of them... heck I kind of like Wesley Stickler a lot for some reason. (I like a bunch from the other games as well)
Least Favorite Character: Magnifi Gramarye (What a douche) and Spark Brushel ( is annoying)
Favorite Case: I like the third case because of Daryan. =3
Least Favorite Case: N/A
Would you rather be a Defense Attorney, Prosecutor, Witness, or Defendant? I think I'd prefer to be a Witness that is not the actual killer because it would be the least stressful. I think I might want to try being a Defense Attorney on for size because I'd much rather try and protect someone who is guilty than condemn an innocent person.

Post a Picture of Yourself: And inflict that horror upon the world? No thanks. ;P
Links to Three Applications: One Two Three

Do You Want the Japanese or English Character Name on Your Stamp?: Ether one works. =3
Anything Else?: I think everyone has probably had enough, yes? I could always add more. ;3 On second thought... I read over my post and actually think I have an idea on who people will vote me as and for some reason it bothers me. XD Well, we will see I guess. X3
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