I __missy__ Missy. Missy is _awesome_. If I were alone in a room with Missy, I would __rock out to some PTM with her__. I think Missy should __hang out with me__. Missy needs _to come over again_. I want to __go to the salvation army with___ Missy. If I could describe Missy in a word: __rad__. Missy will never __forget about me__ Missy can __play__ my __saxophone (because its cooler..haha j/p)___. I hope Missy never __goes away forever__. I __love___ Missy because _she's spunky, independent, and has an awesome style_.
Comments 2
Missy is _awesome_.
If I were alone in a room with Missy, I would __rock out to some PTM with her__.
I think Missy should __hang out with me__.
Missy needs _to come over again_.
I want to __go to the salvation army with___ Missy.
If I could describe Missy in a word: __rad__.
Missy will never __forget about me__
Missy can __play__ my __saxophone (because its cooler..haha j/p)___.
I hope Missy never __goes away forever__.
I __love___ Missy because _she's spunky, independent, and has an awesome style_.
yeah, we definitly need to hang out soon!
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