Hello :) I will probably be rather surprised if anyone finds this journal as I'm on so rarely now. But if you do...it's friendslocked so please comment and we'll see what happens!
Yay for snarkyfic :) I need to spork my nano a bit more. I guess I should stopping calling it nano now there, cause there's no hope :p But someday it will be finished! *falls over* Maybe I can hit 50k by next year sometime :p
I saw screenshots from the Final Fantasy's coming up for the ps3 and the wii and I definitely wanna get the one for the wii. I haven't done much ff'ing since ff7. And it was more watching then, but I adore following the storylines while the hubby plays. Same for Zelda. Do you play Zelda? I'ma gonna go read your FF ficcage I saw posted a few minutes ago! *zooms off to read*
Yeah, it took me forever to finally do it. I finally sat down and did it when I realized how much I wanted to keep up with you guys and how my time's been limited and I looked at kimper and there were communities and reminders of what I had half-written and this and that. Just thought it'd be nice to have a place just for friends and whatnot. *huggles* I'm going to use the other journal for ficcing and for communitying as time permits. Because I'm notorious for finding a story, getting sucked in and voila... x practice started y minutes ago and I'm racing out the door. :p
Comments 28
I so love you, girl! Yay! I'm also the first to comment. I'll be adding you, love.
How've you been hun?
How's your weekend going hun?
Gonna type up a couples of fics. Maybe work on one of my inprogress ones.
I saw screenshots from the Final Fantasy's coming up for the ps3 and the wii and I definitely wanna get the one for the wii. I haven't done much ff'ing since ff7. And it was more watching then, but I adore following the storylines while the hubby plays. Same for Zelda. Do you play Zelda? I'ma gonna go read your FF ficcage I saw posted a few minutes ago! *zooms off to read*
I think separating fic and personal is a good idea and something maybe i should do eventually, but whatever.
Yeah, I wanted a place just to chat and enjoy my friends :)
Hooray, hon! Your new journal looks so pretty and cozy. :)
How've you been hun?
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