Title: the Matt Chronicles: Kidnapped Meetings
Author: Justm3h
Word Count: 1,417
Rating: PG
Author Notes: I'd like to blame the Chat court for this... This is all your fault. Especially You Seito... You just had to come up with Matthew didn't you?
Summary: Matthew didn't realize getting kidnapped was a great way to meet girls.(
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Comments 3
"A crack rang out as a girl fell the floor taking the chair she was tied to with her."
...fell to the floor[COMMA] taking the chair...
"struggled with her rope bound hands[COMMA] much like his own"
"“I can’t get free of this knot thou. You have anything to cute it with?”
..You have anything to CUTE it with? (lolol) Oh you.
andd then I think there's at least 3 more tense problems you have, didn't keep track, was skimming through by then sorry man. =w=
Anndd well I'd have more to say, but it's rather frank. And I think poking fun at you is funner in person HurrDurr.
Thanks for pointing out the mistakes though. I'll make sure to read through this again on my own. It was just for fun and for some friends so no worries about the skimming. <3
... I'm sure you would have much more fun seeing me super embarrassed... and teasing me... A lot.
Yeah ok I know, but I should be commenting rather then not, and I figure I'd do something more expected then otherwise ffff. >u>
I was pretty sure you were doing this for fun and stuff, so I didn't think there was a point in ripping on it too much. :0
Yes. Of course. You know me so well my friend. ;) I mean, Ms. Hudson and I would both enjoy that a lot.
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