NAME: Jamie!
skycatcherAIM/Y!M/MSN: Giniro no Sora (AIM), Grabthesky (Y!M)
EMAIL: grabthesky(@)yahoo
NAME: Real Name: Adell Flynn // Username: MonsieurBonerhard
SERIES: Disgaea 2
PERSONALITY: Adell's a pretty cool guy, eh punches PKers for grate justice and doesn't afraid of anything. He's upbeat and sassy, and all-around pretty honorable. He always keeps his promises, he never lies, and he hates cheap tricks and dirty tactics-- that's just his style! (<-- prepare to see this catchphrase a lot, srs) He's easily excitable, and he can be loud-- but he's enthusiastic about life. Nevermind that in real life, he's just a pizza boy in his senior year of high school. Not much gets him down. Despite all jokes, he's really a pretty cool guy. He's the kinda kid that was popular in school with all the groups, not just one or two. He'll help out any stray players he finds, and he's very morally-opposed to PKing. In fact, he dabbles in PKKing now and then, but only when he sees PKers picking on players.
He's er... not very bright, really, but he can use his head when he needs to-- he's pretty talented when it comes to solving tactical puzzles, for instance, and he's quick on the uptake.
CLASS IN "SOL INVICTUS": Blaster Fist, level 20
STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Adell piles on physical attacks and he's fast, packs a punch (no pun intended) and he's something of a tank. He'll be the forefront of the party and take the brunt of the attacks-- but he's also well-known for dying rather quickly, because he has really low defense and is susceptible to all magic attacks. An assist is a must in all parties.
BACKGROUND: When Adell was just a baby, his parents abandoned him and gave him to their best friends, who raised him as their own, with the promise that they'd be back for him. He grew up believing they would, but once he was about twelve or thirteen, he realized they wouldn't be coming back-- it had a large impact on his personality, really. He hates lying because his parents lied to him, he'll never break promises because they broke their promise to him, etc etc. He's grown up leading a happy life, though-- your average american teenager. He's into sports, his adopted parents have two younger children that he treats just like his real little brother and sister, and he
's fairly popular at school.
He's a bit of a new player-- Sol Invictus being his first online game ever that his friends got him into. When he went to take a whiz and made the mistake of leaving the character creation window on, his friend took the liberty of finalizing things and changing his character name to MonsieurBonerhard. Adell didn't realize he could just make a new character until he was already a good fifteen levels in weeks later and didn't want to start all over again, so he's MonsieurBonerhard for good-- but he'll give you his name and implore you to use it instead of calling him Monsieur.
He isn't online as much as he'd like to be, since he works as a pizza delivery boy in a pretty shoddy old
VW Rabbit that perpetually smells of pepperoni, despite the potential to be a pretty good pimp car for a teenage boy.
In fact, he thinks he has pretty good chances with a babe he met through a penpal program at his school from France, and has been trying to convince her to play Sol Invictus, and maybe even participate in the offline meets.
THIRD PERSON: That was the fourth one that week! Though Adell wouldn't complain-- the more free pizza for him, the better. But that also meant they weren't getting paid for it, and he also made no tips. He had twenty minutes to waste, so with a hot pizza in the passenger seat and parked at a nearby lake, the redhead dug into his spoils. Every now and then, he'd toss bits of crust out the window absentmindedly for the ducks and pelicans hanging around the parking lot. He had the wireless headset in the pouch behind the passenger's seat, and Adell could've sworn it was calling to him.
Was it worth it to sign on for fifteen minutes...? He eyed the pizza for a moment before making his decision. Yes, yes it was.
Unzipping the headset case was almost like a ritual. The joystick was in an outside pouch, which he plugged in before pulling the visor over his head. It only took a few seconds to connect online and he was signing into Sol Invictus.
The level 20 blaster fist gated into Veles, cracking his knuckles. He was fairly tall, around 5'11", with long dark red hair to his shoulderblades and an odd little feathery lick at the top. The character had a pretty average appearance, if not for the huge fuck-off red tie over the sleeveless white collared shirt and the dark arabic-style pants. He resembled his real life counterpart quite a bit, only Adell didn't have the same slick moves as his character, should he type the /dance command.
A fox danced around his feet as he left the weapons shop and gated out to a random area, where a short blonde in a dress was having an iffy conversation with someone that looked familiar...
Was that someone he PKKed before? Judging by the way he turned around abruptly to face him, and the angry-sounding Czek that was steadily growing louder as the game's translation software went to work in chat, Adell would say yes. Yes it was.
"Ah? You come back for more, you little ****? What the **** do you think you're showing your **** face around here again for, eh? Want me to **** it up real nice, **** ****? I still **** remember every **** you did to me before, embarrassin' me like that. You **** **** americans think you're some kinda heroes or somethin'."
MonsieurBonerhard, while idling, picked his nose quite elegantly. Adell wasn't sure what his friend had done to the preset personality, but he really hated when it did stuff like that. Totally not his style!
"You shouldn't be talking like that in front of a girl, you know! That's totally not cool."
Though maybe he shouldn't have said anything after all. "What was that, ****? Don't you come from a **** free country? I'll talk however I **--"
Unfortunately, he was cut off as Adell repeatedly hit the attack button and MonsieurBonerhard executed a nice combo to the PKer's face. He really hated to see people picking on the newer players, and though he wouldn't call himself a PKK, that was, in fact, how he was usually known. He didn't actively seek out PKers, and he didn't really like girls anyways, but he almost always got got in between anything going on nearby and earned himself a bit of a name.
Before the girl could thank him, though, Adell checked the time on the car radio and went, "Oh crap! I'm late!" and signed off, tossing the headset back into the case as he turned his little VW rabbit on.
FIRST PERSON: Hey guys! I see a lot of new faces around, so I guess I'll introduce myself first. Um, ignore the username, but you can call me Adell! My friend made this stupid u/n so don't judge a book by it's cover, okay? That's not cool at all.
I got the weekend off so I was wondering if anyone wanted to party. I'd like to gain a couple levels since I haven't been around lately. But you'd better be ready to grind until your fingers fall off, because playin' easy's not my style!
I'll be around in Veles if anyone wants to party. You can find me with the big red tie and red hair! ...Or you can just PM me at MonsieurBonerhard, that'll work too.