Title: Calm Your Nerves Now Originally Written: December 1, 2010 Inspiration/Prompt: Alpha table; 1sentence Genre: Romance, humor, angst Rating: G to PG-16
I can't pick a favorite. I tried, but...THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD. Shouichi felt very much IC here, same with Byakuran. These two just make me so sad all the time! I always want them to have a happy ending, but BYAKKUN IS CRAZY. So :(
djkfhsdkjfsd thank youuu ♥ I pride myself on my characterization so I'm glad to see a first time reader to my work can recognize that! I wish they had a happy ending too but, hey, that's what fandom is for, haha!
Thank you so much for reviewing :3 I appreciate it!
Wahh ;////; You're far too kind but thank you for being honest. I know I have room for improvement, haha.
Waves broke my heart to write, actually. I had a tough time wrapping up the entire scenario so people would read it and completely understand. I really enjoyed doing this challenge, though. I might have to do another sometime soon, haha.
wow, great fic! Byakuran/Shouichi is one of my favorite pairing in KHR. too bad their relationship is very complicated and angst :( good job for not making them OOC ;)
Comments 6
This was awesome. Good job!
Thank you so much for reviewing :3 I appreciate it!
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Waves broke my heart to write, actually. I had a tough time wrapping up the entire scenario so people would read it and completely understand. I really enjoyed doing this challenge, though. I might have to do another sometime soon, haha.
Thank you for reviewiing ♥ I appreciate it!
reading this just makes me wanna cry and sob endlessly... /sigh
it was a nice way to reminisce :)
Thank you for taking the time to review it! :3
good job for not making them OOC ;)
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