May 19, 2010 23:55
Oi. Hakuba. You idiot. and kno, I don't mean anyo of the other akubas. I mean my one, the one that damn sealed me in hereawi eith with the computer that won't let me use the dammnit backspace. you. Lemme out! I can help,y you numbsckiukll, so can you just foreget about it and just ... at least telll me whasts going on?
Hey! Anyone wannna give a ghost a hand? Pleaase?
I'mb getting aborured. An I wanna know w how Conan's doing. He'd bettaer be iokay...
(ooc: His Hakuba's off in the Ghost!Shinichi's study, making ofuda. And generally being away from a computer. And he was late getting there, so he hasn't told Kaito anything yet. Meaning Kaito is slightly clueless about what's going on outside his room.
Oh, and as a warning, Hakuba sealed him in for a very good reason... ie, he's likely to be rash. )
kuroba kaito