There will be a day in the next hundred years or so where sleep will be conquered. There will be a day where science will unlock the secret behind how to induce highly restful sleep at will, without needing to resort to chemical means. It could be an alpha rhythmic inducer like in Back To The Future, it could be some other direct tweak to the brain
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Comments 6
In place of "PF Changs", please add the following code instead:
Sub InsertRestaurantButton_Click()
Dim RestaurantName As String
RestaurantName = InputBox("Enter Your Favorite Restaurant")
Selection.TypeText (RestaurantName)
End Sub
There! That should take care of everyone, including you!
There's an article in National Geographic (I forget what month but I can find it) on why we need darkness. Should be interesting. While I'm a night owl, I do need a bit of sleep, and I love my dreams. I think if I use the new technology to sleep efficiently, I would miss those.
That said, I think the idea of completely controlling how and when we sleep in the next hundred years seems a little overly ambitious. And without consequences? Even the most beneficial technologies end up with unintended consequences...
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