This past weekend, Mike and I took a trip up to Bellingham for a fairly impromptu poker night.
4/5ths of the poker crew wasn't terrible, hopefully we can fix that next time.
Anywho, I had a blast playing cards (we played for 4, 4.5 hours) and the only reason I voted to stop was because I was feeling sleepy and sick. It probably didn't help that I had to start out taking shots because all of the regular glasses were dirty. Mike and I nearly killed our fifth of Vodka together, seems like we never can quite do it (though to be fair we had 100 proof this time while I think we usually tackle a smaller proof). I ended up outside using Mike's bush and felt better for doing so. Soon after, Mike was chasing Mike D around the apartment, threatening to attack him with one of those camping chairs, highly entertaining. I also remember hearing Doug and Mike D on the balcony, Doug just kept saying "No. No. No. No..." I came around the corner and saw Mike D up on the railing looking as though he was going to try to climb higher (and probably kill himself) I soon found myself joining Doug in his mantra of telling Mike D "No" until he came down.
Kelly came over soon after and not long after that we all found our way to bed.
Getting back to the poker... everybody ended up within +/- $3 (with just about everybody having a turn being the "big leader"), so that was pretty cool.
On the way home, Mike and I decided to stop off at the "whale" casino and put $5 into some video poker. I almost busted out within 5 minutes, but rebounded and ended up winning $4.75 (I think Mike won $1 more). My first positive casino-gambling experience, though it was kinda scary that we were there for about a half hour and it felt so much shorter. It also gave Mike a great story for work that day, he was a bit late because of our stop. Good times.
Thumbs up for Doug for not going to bed early (as he is known to do on a night of drinking...).
Thumbs down for Doug for not coming out in the morning to see Mike and I off. I guess that averages out...
Hopefully this kind of thing happens again sooner rather than later!