OOC: Quotes from S2

May 18, 2010 23:46

This is a small collection of quotes from S2 that help establish Mitchell's state of mind and influences (and I just like them). Contains massive spoilers for most of the season, naturally.

MITCHELL: If we did declare ourselves, but not the way Herrick wanted, but if we could just stop hiding...

IVAN: What, are you imagining some kind of peaceful co-existence? It'd be chaos! Worldwide panic. Good news for religion, mind, especially Christianity. There'd be standing room only in the churches all of a sudden. And as soon as they knew about vampires, they'd know about werewolves, they'd know about ghosts. They'd be next. And when humanity had finally finished with us, it would turn on itself. First the other religions, massively in the minority now, then the homosexuals, the disabled... Do you want to know what the future looks like? Enforced worship in churches a mile high and every country surrounded by a coral reef of bones. But fuck it, maybe it should happen. There's nothing on TV at the moment.


[Campbell the vampire minion brings in a goth-looking girl]

MITCHELL: What's all this?

CAMPBELL: It's traditional. Boss gets first drink.

MITCHELL: What part of "no blood" did you not understand?

CAMPBELL: No no no, this is different. She wants to be fed on.

MITCHELL: ... excuse me?

CAMPBELL: We found her online, on an emo message board. There are dozens of them. They talk about vampires and there's all this bonkers self-harm stuff, it gets really dark. Anyway, they love the idea of being drunk from. It's a kind of groupie thing! Isn't that better?

MITCHELL: No, Campbell, it's not better. Get her outta here, will you?

CAMPBELL: ... sorry.

[girl whispers to Campbell]

CAMPBELL: She says can she have her bus fare home then.

MITCHELL: Oh for fuck's sake. Here, here you go.

[Campbell leaves with the girl]

IVAN: Well, that was a very creative reinterpretation of the rules.

MITCHELL: There aren't rules. There's one rule.

Ivan: Hmm. Well that's addicts for you. Always looking for little loopholes.

(from the 60s flashback)

MITCHELL: You have to feed the monster. It's like keeping a ball in the air, if it drops... you have to feed it because otherwise... this panic creeps in and it's not withdrawal. It's terror. You start seeing their faces again, you think you've forgotten them but they come back, the smell of their hair, the taste on their lips, the last thing they said... the only way to stop it is to kill again. You see, it's not an addiction. It's cowardice. It's not being able to face the alternative.


CAMPBELL: I've been dreaming about my ex. I tried to recruit her, but no one had shown me how so she, she just died. I haven't thought about her in fifteen years. And there was all this stuff I'd forgotten, you know, this little scar by her eye, from where she fell of a swing, her accent, and sometimes-

MITCHELL: It's fine, this is normal, it's part of the process.

CAMPBELL: I don't know where it's come from. It's terrifying, it's like I'm being chased.

MITCHELL: Campbell, you gotta stick it out, it happens. It'll keep happening, but then it stops.

CAMPBELL: This happened to you too?



(deleted scene)

[Campbell has a guy pinned against the wall about to kill him]

MITCHELL: [rushing in] Campbell step away from him!

CAMPBELL: I'm sorry Mitchell, I tried.

MITCHELL: I know you did, you're doing really well mate.

CAMPBELL: I'm not as strong as you.

MITCHELL: Don't kill anyone today. That's all I'm asking. Tomorrow, we'll see where we are but just don't kill anyone today. You don't have to be a slave to it anymore.


(from the 60s flashback)

HERRICK: You ever read any Lewis Carrol?


HERRICK: It's this childish world, this topsy-turvey world, where up is down and animals talk, it's bonkers. I love it. And it's a lot like being a vampire. See, we've gone through the looking-glass, Mitchell. And all those, all those qualities we had when we were human, um... mercy, for example, such a commendable quality in a man, such an indulgence now.

I'm gonna tell you a secret, but I think you already know it. Becoming a vampire doesn't change your personality. That's just a little lie we tell the newcomers to help them through their first few kills: 'Ahh what's happening to me- munch munch'. It doesn't change their personality, it liberates it. A vampire is the only truly free man. All his darkness, all his excesses, they can run amok. He wants a girl, take twenty! He wants a boy, go ahead, just give the place a bit of a hose-down after. The world is his. The only limit... is his imagination.

Do you remember when we met, in that forest in France? D'you remember our deal?

MITCHELL: Yeah. You said that if, uh, if I let you take me then you'd save my men.

HERRICK: Why did I do that? .... you ever wondered?

MITCHELL: No... I haven't.

HERRICK: Because I could see in you... a great man. A terrible man. An orphan-maker. A breaker of hearts. Now, these... people, these children of Darwin, they'll tell you that you're wrong, that you're a monster... because they're jealous. Because they're in chains. Now, that little scratch of conscience, that's a lie. That's not who you are.


LUCY: I thought you were changing, I thought you were abstaining, I thought you were safe.


LUCY: No Mitchell, look at you, you're covered in someone else's blood!

MITCHELL: There's people out there who don't believe that we can change.

LUCY: Who... tell me who, what, what people?

MITCHELL: They want to make us savage again, they want the... chaos, and the horror. And... I can't allow that to happen, I have to protect all of us... and all of you.

LUCY: Mitchell... this is all. Just. Lies. You cannot justify...

MITCHELL: You're right, everything you say is...

I think it's under control but it's just sleeping... this rage, this hunger, it's in my bones and, I wanna stop, I... I've gone clean before, it's possible if the conditions are right and everything's in the right place, I can do it, I know I can.

LUCY: What conditions?

MITCHELL: Someone to help me, someone to change my life for, that's what I've been missing all this time, it's just someone to... just someone like you. I can do this, just one more chance that's all I need, I want this so much but I can't do it alone, please, please, I'm begging you... save me.
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