Curious about Lili's powers? How they work?
0/1 Weak
2/3 meh
5 Average
10 Epic sauce.
Telekinesis: Telekinesis is the power to pick up things with a pyshic fist. Usually the grasp is limited and can only toss in a few directions. Lili has basic skill sets with this one, she can tug, toss and yank things around with her mind. She can lift basic stuff with said power. The power manifesting in an orange glowing fist. The heaviest she's lifted would be her dog. The power generally means she can pull, lift and toss objects with her mind. (7/10)
Levitation: Levitation in the Psychonauts verse breaks off into two factions. Literal floating. Then there is the basics of levitation, a levitation ball
pictured here. With the levitation psychics can bounce, roll across rough terrain and float down. Lili can do basic levitation, she primarily uses it to get places there faster and land safely. She doesn't jump too high with levitation, but she'll work on it. (6/10)
Invisibility: As the title implies she can turn invisible for a certain amount of time. This isn't Lili's strength, she can't do invisibility but not for long but if she focuses she can pull it off for a few minutes. Four minutes tops is her record. -UDPATED- Has improved since she's joined A_F. (7/10- Originally it was 4/10)
Pyrokenisis: Again what it says on the tin, FIRE. Using your mind to start fires in varying degrees. This is one of Lili's stronger powers, she can still focus strongly and set people on fire with ease. Even when helmeted by Loboto she still managed to make the air crackle with heat. It has to be one of her strongest powers.(9/10)
Clairvoyance: The ability to see through anothers eyes. Be it how they see your or how they see the world around you. It branches off into two other sub catagories in the Psychonauts world. This is one of her stronger powers, it developing in telepathy. She able to clearly hear peoples thoughts when they feel emotional. It strong enough for her to hear plants occasionally. She's worked out a good mind shield to keep it her mind from constant chatter.
Sub Catagories on Clairvoyance
*Telepathy: The basic power of picking up on other people's thoughts. (5/10)
*Herbaphony: This ties in very closely into Lili's telepathy, only her mind picks up the radio noise of nature. She can hear plants talk amongst themselves or hold a conversation with them. (8/10)
Shield: Shields consist of a glowing barrier dropping down either over Lili or anyone she chooses to protect. Depending on Lili's strength, shields either consist of a pure glowing wall or tendrils of colored energy forming a barrier.(5/10)
Marksmanship: Markmanship consists of Lili's mind making bullets out of mental energy. They take shape as rounded colorful (usually red) glowing pellets. (7/10)