Title: Through the Eyes of a Camera Word Count: ~1020 Disclaimer: I own nothing of RENT. I don't even own a CD of it that works! All feedback much appreciated.
After the exam (I might have even passed!), after sleep, and after an hour of fiddling with Photoshop, I present Babs as Nightwing, take one, complete wtih background.
So everyone who's anyone, and even a few who aren't, is doing this ten things meme. I figure, it's as good a way as any to introduce myself, and it looks like fun, so here we go.
Title: Filmmaker Who Word Count: 100 Date Written: August 15, 2004 A/N: Originally posted on Ff.net under screen name "ReticentSurprise." All feedback much appreciated.
Title: Not Enough Wordcount: 685 Date Written: September 26, 2004 A/N: Originally posted on Fanfiction.net under screenname "ReticentSurprise." All feedback very much appreciated.
Title: Life, or Something (take two) Wordcount: 630 Prompt: from musesfool's Snackfood is Love challenge: Jolly Ranchers A/N: Unbeta'd. Any and all concrit exceedingly welcome.
Title: Life, or Something Wordcount: 260 Prompt: from musesfool's Snackfood is Love challenge: Jolly Ranchers A/N: Unbeta'd. Any and all concrit exceedingly welcome.
My AIM buddy list has a advert at the top for the Smallville season premiere -- first a picture of Clark being all moody and with Lex staring at him from the background, then word which say "Everything you've waited to see -- will happen." I'm thinking, "Clark/Lex becomes SV canon? SWEET!"