Title: Marching On
Rating: PG
Word Count: 186
Last piece ever published on my Wordpress. April 15, 2009.
Masses of students on a run from the gods; today those gods masquerade around as teachers. Yesterday it was social workers. Goddamn social workers - they think they’re gods.
Oh wait, yesterday they were.
Fifty million people afraid of a coming war, looking outside and finding fantastic weather, but their constant fear creeps in and ruins it: “A bomb could fall today, at any time. It’s safer here.”
No more safer than anywhere else.
Don’t make excuses for hiding within your four walls, clicking the TV by, channel after channel - there’s never anything on.
“Did you see the news today?”
“It’s all fake, who cares.”
Everything is fake these days; your body, your life, your dreams. Why go into a fake world? It isn’t like the old days.
Masses of students in a drug-induced state. Fucking gods took the forms of the dealers. Best way to fix the world, right? Spiral it into delusion because it’s all gone wrong. Can’t stop it, make it worse, worse, worse.
Fifty-million people dead in their homes. Suicide. War is coming, couldn’t take it, had to run.
The gods march on.