Please use me for your punching bag
I don't really know my job
I got hired for my sexy voice
I'm here to turn you on
Make you forget about your e-mail woes
Abuse me verbally
I crave the lashings from your tongue
I am ignorant and you are a genious
I only work here because I'm pretty
You can't see me but you know it is true
If you scream at me I can help you better
I love it when you call me dirty names
I just stole your credit card number
I'm going to buy myself new breasts
I am so sorry I don't understand "the lingo"
I should know your modem is really the tower
I love it when you click on random icons
Makes my job interesting
Oh happy day
I am so lucky to be at your mercy
Wish I could be at the helpdesk 24/7