(no subject)

Oct 20, 2005 19:54

Hayes’s wide grin is far too proud for someone who’s simply brought back Photographic Evidence with his nice, thick mission report.

And that’s a very valid concern, thank you for bringing that up, but of course he hasn’t just got photos. He’s also got- and he deposits each little souvenir on the table with a satisfying sort of smack- newspaper clippings (highlighted, no less), maps, subway tickets (crumpled and not, take your pick), a handful of coins and bills (local money, very helpful, really), and a half-finished pack of gum.

Oh, but he’s really sorry about the last one, that’s his.

About those photographs! Because really they’re very informative.

“And this,” he says, pointing helpfully at the only person in the shot, “is President Bob.”


“Well, actually they call him something else, but damned if I can pronounce it. So he’s Bob in my notes. Anyway, moving on-“

Flip to the next one-

“This’d be your garden variety city hall. Thing. Well, except for the barbed wire and the guards, uh, take my advice and the next guy’s going to want to keep an eye out about that-“


“And your garden variety rebel hideaway. Sorry about the angle, was a bit of a rushed job, because it wasn’t exactly a planned visit, right.”


“And here we’ve got reference pictures for dress. Clothing. Things. For, you know, blending in. And this’d be-“


”-a … great example of the natural wildlife. Which is why it is very relevant--”

“It’s a pigeon.”

“--and aesthetically pleasing. Artistic. If you, uh, note the cobblestones in the background. Very historic cobblestones. And the hand. With bread.”

“It’s a picture of a pigeon.”

“… I had extra film.”

“Of course.”


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