british sign language: This is a way of communicating with hands and face and a few other body bits without having to make a sound. Useful in loud clubs, or if someone's deaf, or far away, or out in the garden when you're at the kitchen sink, or underwater, or spacewalking, or on the moon, or to pass clandestine messages when other people aren't
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Stocked up car boot with picnic stuff yesterday and set off for Henley. Approaching Basingstoke news starts to come through that due to illness and bad weather attendance is going to be very low, so in the end we cancelled
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So give me a compliment, anything in the entire world, even that my shoelaces are pretty. Put this in your journal. And once you get some comments, put that entry in a memory or tag and when you are feeling down, just go to that entry and this will remind how great you are.
This doesn't count places I've just driven through, passed through in the train or flown over (I once flew over the Isle of Wight during a flying lesson). It doesn't count stopovers such as in Dover port on the way to France but it does count the time I went to Oxford in the train by mistake as the long walk back the railway tracks to the station
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