Title: The End of Obsession, Ch. 25
juwel_ficRating: NC-17
Wordcount: 1379 words this chapter
Pairings/characters: Severus/Harry (main), also Severus/Lucius, Severus/Draco, past Voldemort/Severus and Voldemort/Lucius, hints of Draco/Harry
Summary: Snape has always been obsessed. Now that the war is over, it's time to get over that little
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Comments 10
I can understand why Severus waited a day, before he
disclosed all to Harry.
I loved Harrys response, perfect, sweet, naive.
To be open, direct, and vulnerable all at once
with Severus. I thought Harrys request regarding
Lucius was reasonable. Maybe to do the pain thing
with Lucius, but no more sex-pain. Harry sounds
as if he wants this to be exclusive. To share,
be passed around is not in his realm of thinking,
just when his trust barriers with Severus are finally
Thanks for your comment!
only with Draco, only with Draco... ;)
I'm kind of debating at this point where to take things.
Your Story is oh so very good! I read all the chapters till 2 am and was giddy with excitement every time there was an encounter with Snape and Harry.I liked the Idea of Lucius needing pain,too.
So please continue! :)
p.s. I don't know how often I almost woke up my neighbour by laughing :D Humour was very in Character :D
lol and right now I'm trying to debate between allowing the Snape/Harry/Lucius to develop or keeping it Snarry as I know including Lucius (even if only physically and not emotionally) may upset some. So I appreciate that.
Thanks for the feedback!
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