Owen is a persona created by the fae Puck. Puck will, however, be keeping both his identities separate and acting as two different entities.
To quote my application:
[character personality]: Two personalities are contained within the same individual, each distinct. Although Owen is technically Puck, Owen’s persona is like a groove that Puck slides into - a construct composed of pre-created rules that Puck, while being Owen, cannot deviate from. The situation is comparable to having one’s foot in a cast; while the leg of course still exists within the cast, it is just confined by the cast and cannot move as it would normally. Puck strives to keep his two selves separate.
[character history / background]: Years ago, Puck spied Queen Titania masquerading as a human being. Intrigued by the concept, he decided to attempt it as well, taking on the form of Owen Burnett, trying out the form of being as straight-laced as possible. (Additionally, to get the full effect of what it meant to be human, he locked away the entirety of his magical abilities while being Owen - save for the capability to turn back into Puck.) Although he enjoyed being Owen, he disliked his employers - until he ran across David Xanatos, a self-made and thoroughly ambitious man with a morally gray zone about three miles wide. Owen went to work for Xanatos instead, and was so delighted by the experience that he appeared to Xanatos in his true form, offering the man two options: one wish from Puck, or a lifetime of service from Owen. Xanatos chose Owen, which so impressed the Puck that he honored his end of the bargain faithfully, giving his loyalty to Xanatos’ employ.
Loyalty does, however, come with a price. During one of Xanatos’ attempts to gain immortality, Xanatos unearthed the Cauldron of Life, intending to bathe in it and receive the eternal life that it promised. However, the water of eternity it brewed proved to be a double entendre; when Owen dipped his fist into the water to test it for Xanatos, his hand turned to stone. Eternal existence could only be gained by casting oneself in stone. Owen retains the stone hand in spite of his ability as Puck to return it to normal, feeling that he would otherwise be cheating his experience as a human being.