I've been skipping around gcfanfics.com trying to find a good story to read, and I give up. I should have just stayed at Heroin Anarchy, where I knew it was safe. I remember back in the day when I used to read a TON of BSB fic, how some of the best writers on the 'net were the slash writers. Which just HURT! lol 'Cause I'm not into slash.
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Comments 4
Hey, I just heard your song! I really like how it got faster, and then slowed down again. My FAVORITE part is where the "I wish I had friends..." verse starts. It all flows REALLY nice there. Definitely my favoritest part of the entire song. You went and did really good, love!!!
My aunt came in and was all, "Are you playing the guitar?" LOL Yeah. GOOD one. It will be a miracle if I can pull out my flute and still remember how to play that thing. To think, I used to be first chair till I was a flake and bailed out on band in the ninth grade.
Thanks for sharing your song! If you've got anymore online, share, woman.
And seriously. Stay away from the twincest. It's not right! *runs off crazily, covering her eyes*
hey, thanks! yeah, the "i wish i had friends..." part was from a different song originally, but that song wasn't working out at all, and i wanted to save that segment because i liked it, so i just smooshed it in the middle of this one hahaha. thank you so much!!!
I think you definitely made the song better by adding in that old song you were working on. It gives the song more "kick". I'll stop talking now so I can halt how stupid I think I'm sounding. And you're welcome! :-D
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