Congrats on the job! You'll make a kickass camp counselor. I'm only sorry that you had to see Mitt the Twit to get it... And yay for the T and its infinite superiority to the NYC subway system... colors easier than numbers any day! Oldest subway in the country! That was my Massionalism for the day, minus our stupid governor. But hey, at least he's not making people enforce the 1913 statute anymore... But I digress. Your camp looks like fun... it's a damn shame I'm technically a shiksa... good job.
I hate bursting your bubble, and it would've been kind of exciting to see a real live Republican, but alas, I only saw the governor of lil Rhodey before I left Providence. In adition, while the T does put the NYC subway to shame, neither can match the Washington DC one for simplicity and elegance (you Bostonians and your crazy green line letters; the little trolley things are cute though). Thanks again for the comments and see you soon--Josh
Comments 3
Congrats on the job. Not so much congrats on the amount of work though...
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