Ooooh! (vamp up in pitch)
Big booty big booty big booty
oh yeah, big booty
big booty number 12
number 12, number 3,
numer 3, number 11
Big booty big booty big booty
Oh shit, I don't even know what to say
I am the new number 2!
Now we're only up to 12
(count off) 123456789101112
Big booty big booty big booty
oh yeah, big booty
big booty number 6
number 6, numer 3
number 2, number 10
number 4, number 4,
number 4, number 3
Oh shit.
Big booty big booty big booty
oh yeah, big booty
big booty number 6,
number 6, number 5
number 5, big booty
Big booty big booty big booty
oh yeah, big booty
big booty number 3,
number 3, number 3,
number 3, big booty
Big booty big booty big booty
oh yeah, big booty
big booty number 3,
number 3, number 10
Oh shit, that was me.
Big booty big booty big booty
oh yeah, big booty
big booty number 4
number 4, number 4,
number 4, number3
number 3, number 8
number 8, number fuck!
Big booty big boot big booty
oh yeah, big booty
big booty number 3
number 3, number 1
number 5, number 4
number 4, number 5
number 2 big booty
big booty number 2
number 2 big booty
number 5, number 8
{This ends my rough transcript of the happenings in our green room, since I can't keep up.}
Yes, we're called way too early.
There's also clapping and a rhythm along with all the above words. It's much more amusing than it is just written out.
And someone's family just came in. Wonder what they think of this lovely game.
I would like to thank the cast for keeping me EXTREMELY amused during what could be a very boring time.