Not sure how I can feel so bad and good at the same time.
I finished my class "the Practice" through this week. I feel good about what I learned and the goals I have set for myself. We had a great graduation and party.
My sister is divorcing her husband. I knew this was coming and, just like everything else with my bro-in-law, I knew it could be hard and adult, or it could be hard and mean. He seems (at this early point anyway) to be going the mean route. I hurt for my sis... she and I have talked a lot about this the past few months and it took A LOT for her to actually file. I feel very sorry for my soon-to-be-ex-bro-in-law, life shouldn't be so mean-hearted. I am sad for the tension and the fight to come, not for him leaving the family. I just will be available to do whatever my sis needs.
My weekend has been all about volunteer work and being away from home. Friday night was the Assistance League Mardi Gras Charity Auction. It went very well, from what I could see... didn't make as much as last year, but we expected that. I spent 6 hours there working behind the scenes doing data entry for the auction (registration and item sales). Interesting but long. Saturday was run errands, print badges, and be there for my grad party. We had about 40 people in all at a ceremony/dinner/dance. We had a committee, but for some reason I was looked to as the "organizer".. go fig. So, I was anxious till we finally ate and then later cleaned up and headed home. Today was try to relax, then clean up and go to a wedding reception. A friend had married in San Francisco and was having a reception for family and friends up here today. He also is the brother of my best friend
zorkfox... so of course we went :) I just got off the phone with my Aunt... who tells me her youngest daughter's ex-husband just passed away. I am sad for Debbie... but her ex was a bit of an asshole and I never warmed to him. I feel bad for the twins too.
So, my whole body hurts. Could be from stressing out and running about too much yesterday. Not sure, but I am too tired to do my paying work and I am way behind in that. It worries me. I need to put it first and foremost from now on (well, barring Norwescon). I need my little office back, I think. It helped a little to be able to move out of the "living" space into the "work" space. Hmm, how to manage that...
Anyway, that is what my weekend was like. Prayers go out to my sis and my friend Schad's dad... and my cousin Debbie. Night.