Title: Together
Pairing: Sungyeol/Woohyun
Genre: Friendship
Rating: PG; just because.
Length: 490+ (this is drabble-length worthy, I swear :c)
Summary: 'Together', promised Sungyeol.
Where am I? A man of medium build materialized in a midst of white, his glowing eyes tainted with confusion. A plain, white sweater adorned his firm chest, embracing him in unfamiliar chills. He hugged his arms self-comfortingly, scanning his surroundings.
Everything was white.
Hey, you’re here. A sudden voice made the man flinch, and he followed his gaze towards the voice. The man allowed his eyes to stare the younger boy down, unconsciously lifting his hand to his chest.
No heartbeat.
Are you cold? It’s freezing here. The boy took slow, steady footsteps towards the man, and the man steadily mirrored his steps backwards. Are you...afraid of me? Don’t you know me? The boy asked worriedly, his eyes stained with confusion.
The man didn’t respond, his defined jaw twitching slightly in discomfort.
What’s your name? The boy spoke again, his voice strangely comforting to the man.
The man opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The syllables rested on the tip of his tongue (or mind, so be it), but he simply just could not remember who he was.
Who..am I?
The boy gently took a hold of his hand, the man flinching back in surprise. He rubbed his thumb along the man’s fingers, a sharp chill running along his touch. I know, I’m cold. I’m sorry. Can you remember anything?
The man thought blankly for a bit, draining any source of inexplicable energy into the darkest corners of his mind.
A boy’s fingers was enlaced with his on the rooftop of their high school, where they had first met. The air was polluted with the heavy scent of cigarette smoke, a result of the ignorant instructors of the facility that held lonely, bitter memories of undesired school days.
‘I promise.’
The rhythm of their footsteps met the curb of the building, their faces slowly growing hesitant.
‘You sure?’
‘I promised, didn’t I?’
Hand in hand, they took their last leap of faith.
The boy blew onto the man’s trembling fingers, but he knew it would be of no use. A body with no heart, no blood, was nothing but a cold soul. His breath, no matter how warm he tried to make it, would be of no use to the man’s shivering state.
I’m dead. The man said slowly, and the boy nodded. I killed myself. The boy nodded again, silence befalling both of them. I wasn’t alone. I was with someone. Someone important to me, someone I...trusted.
The boy decided that the man had remembered enough for the day, and after thorough persuasion, the man agreed to let himself be taken away by the strange, caring boy. So when the boy, ‘Sungyeol’, laced his fingers through his, he allowed himself to grow comfortable.
By the way, The boy began, his footsteps continuing into what seemed to be nowhere. The man simply turned his head to show his acknowledgement, as he had yet to be used to ‘talking’.
Thanks for coming with me, Woohyun.
oof, this is really rough, i'm sorry ; ^ ;...