Sep 29, 2006 19:37 I am.
Sitting by myself having lunch in a hotel restaurant. Twenty minutes from my meeting with someone at said hotel. (Not for a tryst you scandal-mongers). My Blackberry in hand, my business folder on the table, with notes scribbled on the paper inside.
Good Lord, I've become the person I used to mock not so long ago.
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Comments 4
Yes, I have been mortified to discover myself strolling around downtown wearing my sheeplike "business casual" wardrobe, hair combed into something hinting at a nod towards respectability, two cell phones at the ready in my bag-that-is-not-a-scruffy-backpack...oh, it makes me squirm and squirm.
and then i get in my honda civic, and commute home. ick... nevermind
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