Dear Diary~ [Page 4 - Junsu]

Jun 11, 2009 12:31

[Part 4 - Junsu] -- Wow. What a dilemma. xD

Dear Diary,

Someone keeps grabbing my butt.

It’s really starting to worry me. I can’t keep getting harassed molested like this every day. I mean…that place is sacred.

People usually give me verbal hints about the status of my butt. That it’s big. Round. Soft. Yet firm. It even has nicknames which Yoochun likes to utilize at any given moment. Such as duck butt. Or kamo butt. Or the biggest butt in East Asia.

It’s a bit crude, I think. But at least it was all verbal.



No touchy.

It’s been going on for a few weeks now and I still haven’t found the culprit. I know it’s one of my roommates cause it tends to happen at home when no one else is visiting. Even though Hyukjae visits a lot, I don’t think he’d…grab me like that….

It’s so strange. I’ll just be minding my business, maybe bending over to tie my shoe and…WHAM! It’s not even like a slight graze of the butt cheek. Not even an unpleasant patting sensation. It’s…It’s like….GRABBING. Like, it almost hurts later.

You know how you crumple a piece a paper between your hands? Something like that… And every time I turn around, either absolutely no one is there or everyone is there looking like nothing happened. I hope it’s not a ghost haunting my butt.

I’ve been trying to narrow it down. Changmin. I think I annoy him sometimes so I was thinking that maybe he was doing it for revenge. He really doesn’t seem like the type to do such a thing, but I’ve been hearing strange noises from the TV at night again so I think he’s been watching porn lately. Hmmm. Even so, I don’t think he would lower himself to touching me.


Yoochun. He’s really playful sometimes, but I don’t think he’d be up to the challenge. I mean, whoever is doing it is FAST. I sometimes I get one of those wake up calls in the morning while I’m trying to get the cereal box from the bottom cabinet. When I turn around, again, no one is there. Yoochun is just not fast enough in the morning. I swear he dies when he goes to sleep and every morning is like a séance reawakening for him. Definitely not him.


I’ve got it narrowed down to either Yunho or Jaejoong. Yunho doesn’t seem like the type, but he’s actually really touchy. At least with people he likes and I’m thinking he must really like me. I think he has this habit of picking a favorite every other week. A lot of times it’s Jaejoong cause sometimes I see him touching him more than everyone else. Way more. Diary, do you think…? Nah.

Anyway, sometimes it’s Changmin because he gives the kid some mercy with his practical jokes. I don’t even see how Changmin falls for them. They’re always like the oldest tricks in the book. He may be more mature than Jaejoong, but he’s definitely more naïve.

Sometimes, I can sense that it’s Yoochun because he’ll play with him more. It’s usually when Yunho’s having a really, really good day and everything makes him happy. Even when Changmin comes to him complaining about Jaejoong being pissy and not making him food. I like it when Yunho is really happy, but not enough to allow this atrocity to keep happening.

Let me see why I might be his favorite of the week. Hmmm. I am really cute. And I’m the only one that can match up to him when we’re playing sports. But I always win out in soccer. Always. Maybe he’s just doing because I’ve been really extra cute this week and bending down more often. Actually, it’s not just this week. It’s been the last three weeks. Maybe four? I can’t be bending down that often. Aish! I’m confused!


Jaejoong is a possibility. When he’s not peeved and complaining that he’s sore, he likes to mess with me. Sometimes when we’re playing computer games, he likes to cheat and he thinks it’s all in the fun, but it’s really not fair. He should stop. He should also stop grabbing my butt if it’s not Yunho.

Maybe it’s because he randomly put wasabi sauce in a dish that totally did not mesh with the wasabi sauce and I made a face. I didn’t even say anything. Yunho did. But what if he saw my face and thought, Mwahaha! I shall grab his butt at every given opportunity and see if he ever makes a face at my cooking ever again. Mwaha! He’s pretty diabolical when he puts his mind to it.

I’ve been asking as casually as possible if he knows who’s been grabbing my butt. He swears it’s not him, but methinks the Jaejoong doth protest too much.

Hey! I just got an idea. Diary, you know how Jaejoong likes to play one-touch with Changmin? Maybe he’s trying to start his own version of one-touch with my butt. I really think I’m on to something here. Does this mean he wants me to touch his butt? Wait. This is some serious touching. It would have to be like one-grab. Maybe two-grab. Aish…


I really need to find this guy, cause I’m having trouble sleeping. I know I’m probably perfectly safe if I sleep on my back, but I keep having nightmares that a huge, dirty hand is gonna reach up from the mattress and twist my butt cheeks every which way-It’s just unnerving.

And I know I look a bit strange when I’m walking down the hallway and then I hear footsteps, so I whip around all wide eyed and paranoid and Changmin is just standing there looking at me like I’m an alien.

This is breaking me down.

I’m sorry, Diary. I need to rest. This is all just too stressful. Please wish me luck.

~Su   Turn the page~   Page 3 - Jaejoong  ||   Page 5 - Yoochun

rating: pg, genre: comedy

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