Title: Dear Diary~
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: ....Yep....it's disclaimed...xD
Parts: [67/69]
Pairings: So far Yoosu...Yunjae...Jaemin...Jaesu...Jaechun...Jaechul...xDDD
Genre: crack....with a tiny smidgeon of angst in the middle. o.o *runs*
Rating: PG/PG-13
Summary: A collection of journal entries from the boys of DBSK. Let's get inside their heads. ^.~
Previous chapters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Changmin's Diary~
Dear Diary,
Why have my roommates been grinning at me lately?
Like there's some kind of secret I don't know.
And...and...someone's been following me. I know it....
I wanted to try and shake off this creepy feeling and breathe freely for just a while, so I called and told Kibum I'd come visit.
But as soon as I walked out the door of the apartment, Yesung popped out of a vase and started chasing me again. Aish...
I took my usual route all the way to Ryeowook's and waited for him to calm Yesung down but the entire way there, I felt like Yesung wasn't the only one chasing me. Even when I took the bus back to Kibum's apartment, I could feel someone else's presence behind me the whole way....
At least until the bus stopped somewhere around my apartment. Then the feeling went away for some reason...
I had a good time at Kibum's, though.
We talked.
We ate Hankyung's Beijing fried rice.
We played with Heechul's cat.
Until Heechul told us to go away so he could do Heebum's nails.
We watched TV. Their TV isn't DEAD.
...So does that make Zombie Yunho AND the TV both zombies??
No. Because the DEAD TV will never come back to life like stupid zombie hyung. Hyung is selfish. Stealing life from other electronic appliances who never had a chance...
Me and Kibum also walked around outside for a while. The feeling of being watched or chased down by Yesung was completely gone. I should visit Kibum more often. I like being around him.
Sometimes we'd talk and sometimes we'd just enjoy each other's company in silence. It was nice. And when we did talk, it was nice, too.
Mmmm...how should I explain this...?
Kibum is like...I dunno.
The scholar in me is flailing right now.
I will figure out what Kibum is to me eventually. I will! I will not give up!
Hmmm...what else did we do...?
It was Hankyung's idea but we also prank called Kangin.
It went something like this:
Kangin (sounding all pissed already): WHAT?
Hankyung (disguising his voice like an old lady. It sounded kinda like Heechul, actually.): Is your refrigerator running?
Kangin: ...
Hankyung: Ahem. I said...is your refrigerator running?
Kangin: Maybe. Why?
Hankyung: Are you absolutely sure, young man. You don't sound sure.
Kangin: Ahh. Yeah. Sure. It's definitely running.
Hankyung: Is it a boy a girl?
Kangin: Well, it's got a lot of meat in it so I guess I'd call it a boy. Leeteuk knows how much I like my meat.
Hankyung: Well, then...you better go catch it and make sweet man-butt-sex with it!
Kangin: WHY YOU SON OF A--!
Hankyung hyung up. And then Kibum tried.
Kangin: WHO IS THIS???
Kibum (disguising his voice to sound like someone kind of familiar. I couldn't really figure out just who it sounded like at the time...): Guess.
Kangin: CHANGMIN?!??!?!
Kibum: Correct.
Kibum hung up. I was a little hesitant (Okay, scared out of my mind) at trying this time but I figured if I disguised my voice to sound like someone completely and totally not me, Kangin wouldn't try to find me and kill me.
Kangin: Hello? (He actually sounded pleasant this time. I had hope.)
Me (disguised to sound like an alien): This. Is. Not. Chang. Min. Meep.
Kangin hung up on me.
I didn't get to hang out any longer because Heechul heard the conversation and told me to get out before Kangin traced the call and found me there and destroyed their apartment trying to get a hold of my neck. So he kicked me out.
And of course, as soon as I hit the sidewalk, Yesung appeared out of nowhere disguised as a garbage can and chased me down the block. Then Kangin found me somehow and started chasing me, too.
I'd like to thank my dad for blessing me with such luscious long legs.
I figured I had to get rid of Yesung first because I calculated that Kangin would run out of breath and give up pretty soon. But of course, once I passed my apartment on the way to Ryeowook's, I could have sworn I heard dolphins and then that creepy, stalking sensation came back and I just had to hope all three of these people wouldn't get a hold of me and kill/eat/stalk me to death.
Ryeowook took care of Yesung as usual, but Kyuhyun had to calm Kangin down (He never gave up chasing me. Wtf?? Man, he's powerful when he's pissed...) with a game of Solitaire on his computer (since that's the only game he has on it now...)
And of course, of course, screw my life, but that creepy stalking feeling followed me all the way back home.
Even when I stopped to eat at McDonald's, the stalking feeling never went away.
And then that eery feeling followed me all the way to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
And then I know, I KNOW I heard footsteps behind me when I visited Pizza Hut.
I took a nap to rival Yoochun's epic hibernations as soon as I got to my room and I felt the stalking feeling even in my dreams.
...When will my life stop sucking...?
~Target Min
Turn the page~
Page 68 - Jaejoong-----------------
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